Thursday 10th May 2018 University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Conference Chair: Sheriff Lindsay Wood (Glasgow Sheriff Court and Drugs Court)
Speakers include:
- Dr Saket Priyadarshi (Associate Medical Director NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Alcohol and Drug Services) : Drug Consumption Rooms and Heroin Assisted Treatment
- Professor Charlotte Colman (Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy, Ghent University, Belgium): Recovering from Drug Use and Offending: what does the research tell us? The Ghent experience
- Ruth McReynolds & Shona Malone (Glasgow Drug Court): The Complex Needs of those with Addiction
- Sheriff Frank Crowe: The Edinburgh Alcohol Court
- Sheriff Iain Fleming: The pilot Glasgow Alcohol Court
- Ian Hamilton (University of York): Addiction & Mental Health: Prevention of Decline for Children & Families
- Kim McGuigan (Community Justice Scotland) : Personal Reflections ...a discussion with Sheriff Lindsay Wood
- Faye Murfet (Co-ordinator, South Ayrshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership Board Member IFDAS -River Garden Auchincruive): A Recovery Oriented System of Care
Q&A and Discussion with the Audience
Networking Lunch and refreshments provided
Heavily discounted rates for unwaged and students
4.5 hours CPD
To Register: click here or
SASO Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch.
Hon President: Hon Lady Rae QC, Branch Chair: Sheriff Iain Fleming, Hon Secretary: Prof Cyrus Tata