American Dream: Criminal Justice Scholarship
One of Strathclyde Law School's Criminal Justice Master's students has just won a prestigious Fulbright PhD Scholarship to study in the USA.
Catherine Law will be the first recipient of the Fulbright Postgraduate Award to study at the University of South Florida. The Scholarship pays her fees in full and provides a stipend for living expenses.
Commenting on the award Catherine said:
"I'm absolutely thrilled to have won this scholarship. Like Strathclyde, South Florida it has a strong focus on research and I'm looking forward to starting my Criminology PhD in August. My research will focus on how to reduce abusive behaviour among young people, and how to maintain healthy relationships. I'll be looking at US organisations which focus on empowering and educating young people. I will research and analyse their work, ultimately creating my own programme to bring back and implement in the UK."
Catherine is clear that the Strathclyde Criminal Justice Master's provided the springboard to her latest success:
"The Criminal Justice Master's at Strathclyde has been invaluable in learning about the legal, as well as sociological, aspects of the Criminal Justice system. As well as the classes, the external visits and guest speakers have been extremely helpful in learning about the reality of the Criminal Justice sector, and I will take so much of the knowledge I have learnt across the Atlantic with me. "
Commenting on the award, Criminal Justice Master's Programme Director, Prof Cyrus Tata said:
This is terrific news. Catherine's is the latest in a series of scholarship successes achieved by our Master's students - not only at PhD level but also we have a very high rate of scholarship success among students studying on our Criminal Justice Master's. We are proud of them all.
Get more information about the scholarship funding.