Between developmentalism, far-right extremism and endemic corruption: political economy of Brazil in the 21st century
1 PM, Tuesday, 21 January 2025, room 3.59 at the ground floor of the Andersonian Library
Please join us for an event led by Prof. Marcio Cunha Filho, a Visiting Professor at Strathclyde Law School, during which he will present his research into the contemporary political economy of Brazil. Part of this research was published last year in his book, Direito, mídia e distorções da realidade.
Brazil has always been seen as the “country of the future”, but over the past decade, it has experienced economic stagnation, been embroiled in corruption scandals, faced attempted coups, and witnessed the rise of the far right. What political and economic factors are responsible for this decline? The event will discuss aspects of the country’s political and economic context.
Marcio Cunha Filho is a full professor at the Institute of Public Law in Brasília (Brazil), member of the directive board of the Brazilian Association of Sociology of Law, leader of the Research group “Law and Behavioral Science” and a federal auditor at the Office of the Comptroller General, in Brazil. He was the coordinator of the ethics research committee at the University of Brasilia (2021-2024) and is currently a Visiting Scholar at the University of Birmingham and a Visiting Professor at the University of Strathclyde.
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