Equality & DiversityStaff Courses, Learning and Development

As a socially progressive, people-oriented and collaborative place of work and study, the University of Strathclyde offers a range of equality, diversity and inclusion courses for staff and students. We encourage members of the Strathclyde community to actively engage in the learning and development opportunities available.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Online Courses

Equality and diversity e-learning courses are available for staff and students via the LearnUpon platform. There are three core courses for staff and for students, and a range of additional courses for staff in particular roles and for staff seeking to increase their understanding of particular equality, diversity and inclusion-related topics.

Download a copy of the Equality and Diversity Course List 2023-2024

Registration and log-in

  • Courses are available via the LearnUpon platform
  • If this is your first time accessing the LearnUpon platform, click on the registration link. Use your Strathclyde email address and set up a password
  • If you have accessed the platform before, log in using your complete your Strathclyde email address and LearnUpon password
  • If you have forgotten your password, click on the ‘forgot password’ link and a new password will be sent to your email address

If you have any further queries, contact the Equality and Diversity Office: equality@strath.ac.uk 

Equality & Diversity training sessions

The Equality and Diversity Office offers a suite of training sessions for staff and students, including in-person and online sessions. Staff can sign up for sessions via the DAT booking system (links below). If you would like to book one of these sessions for your team or department, please email us at equality@strath.ac.uk.

EDI 101

An interactive introduction to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). This session discusses the concepts themselves, the role of EDI at Strathclyde and in higher education, and its wider legal context. Participants are given the opportunity to ask questions about any aspects of EDI they feel unsure about.


This session considers microbehaviours, from microaggressions to microaffirmations, and how they can shape our daily lives. Participants will be given practical skills for addressing microaggressions and will put them to use through group work and case studies.

Inclusive Language

This session looks at inclusive language, why it matters, and how to use it. Participants will learn about inclusive language across gender, race, sexuality, and disability. We will also consider gender-neutral language.

This session will allow participants to discuss language and terms that they are not sure about and empower them to talk confidently about EDI issues.


This session covers the basics of allyship, why it matters, and practical ways to become an effective ally to marginalised groups, with a particular focus on sexism and racism. Through interactive activities and group work, participants will build a solid foundation from which to develop their allyship.

Anti-Racism workshop

This two-hour interactive session is an introduction to the topic of Anti-Racism. Participants will develop confidence with terminology around race; explore structural racism through the lens of unequal structures in Scotland and in Higher Education; reflect on privilege and power in daily life, and discover practical steps towards anti-racism.

This course was developed by the Equality & Diversity Office and draws upon relevant evidence, sector-wide research, and work undertaken by the University’s Race Equality Working Group and ongoing work led by the Race Equality Steering Group.

Supporting Trans and Non-binary Staff and Students

Based on the TransEDU action research, this session will explore supporting trans, non-binary and gender diverse students and staff, and consider the practical ways in which we can cultivate inclusive learning and working environments. We will consider the key barriers faced by trans and gender diverse students and staff, explore the support available at Strathclyde, and discuss how to drive sustainable change in our classrooms, departments, and faculties, and directorates. 

Understanding and Supporting Estranged Students

This training, delivered by the Access, Equality and Inclusion Service, explores the experiences of students who attend university without the support of their family. You will also explore the barriers faced by this group of students and challenge assumptions surrounding the role and place of family in higher education.

Care Experience and Corporate Parenting in HE

This training, delivered by WhoCares? Scotland in conjunction with the Access, Equality and Inclusion Service, will introduce you to the experiences of care experienced students at the University and beyond. You will also explore the legal framework surrounding Corporate Parenting and understand what your role as a Corporate Parent entails.

Introduction to Disability @ Strathclyde

This session will increase awareness of disability and examine how we can support disabled students and colleagues.

Disability is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010, but what do we mean by and who comes under the term 'disability', how can we best support disabled students and staff, and how can we recognise and address the barriers faced in work and study environments?

LGBTQI+ Equality and Inclusion

This 2-hour interactive session will introduce participants to key LGBT+ issues, within Higher Education and more generally. Participants will learn about sexual orientation & gender identity; explore LGBT+ history, legislation and inequalities; and discover how organisations and individuals can champion inclusion. This session was developed by the Equality & Diversity Office and draws upon relevant evidence and sector-wide research.

Organisational and Staff Development Unit

If you are a Strathclyde staff member you can access a range of courses via the Organisational and Staff Development Unit (OSDU), including development opportunities and information sessions on a range of equality, diversity and inclusion topics. Visit the Development and Training Gateway to see the catalogue of training available for staff and PGRs.

Mental health and wellbeing courses and training

The University’s Disability & Wellbeing Service offers a range of courses, training and development opportunities relating to mental health and wellbeing which can be found on their training & support webpages. This includes training programmes, a range of guides and e-learning packages, and bookable wellbeing programmes. 

Further learning and development opportunities

Corporate Parenting in Higher Education

A free, one hour course, for Strathclyde Staff.  Available through Open University Scotland.

Caring Counts in the Workplace
A free 10 hour course, available through Open University Scotland.

Reflecting on Transitions
A free 5 hour course available through Open University Scotland.

Gender Representation in the Media
A free, seven-week online course developed by Strathclyde researchers. Available via FutureLearn