Equality & DiversityProjects

There are a number of short and longer term projects underway at the University related to Equality & Diversity themes. The links in this section contain further information on projects being undertaken by the Equality & Diversity team and other teams and departments across Strathclyde, including details of any opportunities to get involved.

In January 2021, the University of Strathclyde was proud to be among five UK universities to sign the newly-created ‘GTRSB into Higher Education’ pledge. We are committed to making higher education available to everyone who can benefit, regardless of their ethnic and cultural background.

We want to publicly commit to creating an open and welcoming environment in which members of the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater (GTRSB) communities can be confident that their culture and learning needs are understood and, indeed, celebrated.

We recognise that people from GTRSB communities are under-represented within higher education and we aim to better understand and help surmount those barriers to access, making sure we listen carefully to the needs and views of those within the communities.

For more information about our commitment and plans, and to contact our Named Contact for GTRSB students, visit the GTRSB student support page on our Widening Access webpages.

Hear from our Principal, Professor Sir Jim McDonald, on our pledge to you by watching the YouTube video: Our pledge to our students from Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showman and Boater communities]


STEM Equals is a four-year research and impact project focused on women and LGBT+ people in STEM disciplines in both academia and industry. The project is focused on working cultures, including better understanding and addressing systemic inequalities faced by women and LGBT+ staff. The project is funded by EPSRC under the Inclusion Matters initiative, with matched funding from the University of Strathclyde.  

TransEDU researching the experiences of trans applicants, students and staff in Scottish colleges and universities.

This is the University of Strathclyde BSL Plan 2018-2024, as required by the BSL (Scotland) Act. It sets out the actions we will take over the period 2018-2024.

It follows the BSL National Plan, published on 24th October 2017, which was developed through extensive engagement with Deaf and Deafblind BSL users and those who work with them.

The EPSRC-funded IGNITE network+ (Innovation and Growth Needs Inclusion and engagement of all Talent in Energy) is a four-year project established in September 2022 to increase diversity in the energy sector by critically evaluating the systemic inequalities in policy and practice that prevent researchers from underrepresented backgrounds progressing through stages in their career pathway. The University of Strathclyde leads the IGNITE Network+ with partners Imperial College London, the University of Manchester, the University of Nottingham, the University of Bristol, Queen's University Belfast and Brunel University London. 

Visit the Ignite Network Webpage to find out more.

The University of Strathclyde's Race Equality Working Group Report outlines the activities, findings and recommendations of our short-life Race Equality Working Group between 2020 and 2022.

The University of Strathclyde and Historical Links to Slavery Report examines the historical links to the Transatlantic slave trade of Strathclyde’s forerunner, Anderson’s Institution, founded in 1796.