Careers ServiceI want to work in charity sector

Sector overview

Visit Prospects' site for an overview of the charity and voluntary work sector, and find out the typical jobs in charity sector.

Useful online resources

Social Enterprise UK National trade body for social enterprise.  Includes searchable membership directory

Social Enterprise Scotland - includes resources and membership directory

SENSCOT - for social entrepreneurs in Scotland, including membership directory

Social Enterprise Mark accreditation organisation with directory of accredited social enterprises

Cooperatives UK includes a directory

Unltd support for social entrepreneurs including funding

GOV.UK Setting up a social enterprise

School for Social Entrepreneurs

Job sites & specialist recruiters

Goodmoves Charity & voluntary sector recruitment

CharityJob  Job search website

jobsgopublic - includes listings for third sector in England

Charity People - recruitment agency for third sector

Utopy Jobs

Get Jobs

Individual charities:

Professional bodies

Institute of Fundraising