Working on a self-employed basis while you are a student
The National Minimum Wage does not apply to people who are genuinely self-employed.
If you are genuinely self-employed you will be responsible for paying your own National Insurance Contributions and Income Tax.
If you are contemplating becoming self-employed you should contact your local tax office to find out what you have to do and how to organise your tax and national insurance payments.
See the section on Tax and National Insurance at this site for further details.
Visit the GOV UK website: Student jobs and paying tax and Self-Assessment tax returns.
Some employers may tell you that you will be self-employed, when in fact you are really working as an employee.
See the GOV UK website: National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage Rates and Who gets the Minimum Wage which explains all about the minimum wage and advises how to distinguish between being a worker for an employer and being self-employed.
If you work for someone and are not genuinely self-employed, you are probably entitled to the minimum wage.
For information/advice contact: Pay and work rights helpline and complaints