LibraryDonate books & study materials

We welcome donations of materials that support and develop our existing collections. We'd not normally accept donations that do not match our collection development strategy.

Items of interest to the Library

We carefully assess the suitability of each item offered to us. We do not accept unsolicited items without prior arrangement with the potential donor. We reserve the right to dispose of any items we receive in this way.

We may accept

  • scholarly materials of relevance to research
  • up-to-date textbooks and research monographs in good physical condition (preferably published within the last 5 years)
  • serial issues that complement or fill gaps in existing holdings
  • manuscripts and archives

We will not accept

  • superseded editions of textbooks
  • outdated textbooks or research monographs
  • serial issues that duplicate existing print or electronic holdings
  • items in poor physical condition
  • popular fiction or popular magazines

Offer a donation of material to the Library

If you'd like to donate material to the Library, please fill in our online donation offer form. The Library is generally unable to pay collection costs. 

What we will do next

Our staff will assess materials against the University's needs in relation to:

  • teaching
  • learning
  • research

We'll then contact you using the details you give us in the form.

What we'll do with your donations

The Library has discretion over the location and retention of donated materials.

We decide on a location based on the subject content of donated materials. We'll try to place new donations in the Library's general collections to make them as accessible as possible. We may place donated items in any part of the Library.

For reasons of conservation and security, we place rare and antiquarian items in our Special Collections.