Strathclyde staff and students may visit other university libraries in Glasgow and further afield.
Use other University libraries with the SCONUL Access scheme
The Society of College, National and University Libraries (SCONUL) represents all university libraries in the UK and Ireland, as well as national libraries and many of the UK’s colleges of higher education.
The SCONUL Access scheme enables you to visit other member libraries to use books and journals we may not have at Strathclyde.
The following categories of borrower are eligible:
- Academic staff
- Postgraduate students
- Undergraduate students: Full-time undergraduate students can apply for a SCONUL Reference card which will allow reference access to member libraries
- Part-time and distance learning students: Students must be registered on a course lasting for a minimum of one year, and leading to a university award
- Placement students: Students must be registered on a full-time course. The placement must last for a minimum of 6 weeks. Membership will only be for the duration of the placement.
Key points
- There is no charge to join the SCONUL Access scheme.
- The conditions of membership and the facilities offered vary from library to library.
- You are subject to the rules of whichever library you are using.
- You are responsible for any charges you incur.
Find more information and apply online on the SCONUL Access website.
Once your registration has been authorised you will receive an email telling you your SCONUL Access has been approved. This email is your official introduction to the scheme.
Visiting another library
When you want to join a new host library:
- Print out and take a copy of your SCONUL Access approval email
- Take your University of Strathclyde student card
Staff at the host library will need to see both the email and your Strathclyde student card before they can issue you with a library card.
Terms & conditions
The following conditions apply to users of the scheme:
- Anyone wishing to join the scheme must be in 'good standing' with the University of Strathclyde, with no outstanding fines or overdue items.
- Users of the scheme are subject to the rules of the library they are using and responsible for any charges they incur.
- Use of IT facilities and access to electronic library services are not normally included with SCONUL Access.
- Personal data will be used for the purposes of administering the scheme, including the transfer of data between home and host libraries.