The process of placing individual orders with suppliers is devolved to Schools, Faculties and Departments operating within the University's Finance Regulations and Procurement Procedures. Goods or services should not be supplied without a University purchase order.
The University Procurement Services Team is responsible for directly supporting all corporate, high value and strategic spend as well as ensuring that the best long-term value for money is obtained with regard to all goods and services. It also provides guidance on and promotes best commercial practice for all University procurement.
The Procurement Team makes available a number of corporate procurement arrangements via:
- Procurement consortiums (such as Advanced Procurement for Universities & Colleges (APUC), Scottish Government and the Government Procurement Service) that act as purchasing agents and provide a professional cost-effective procurement and supply service. Contracts let by consortia are subject to various legislative requirements relating to procurement in public sector bodies. If you have any questions, please in the first instance email
- The Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) portal. As well as accessing the frameworks which are available to the University the procurement team also use the PCS portal to advertise opportunities not covered by these frameworks.
- The Public Contracts Scotland Tender (PCS-T) website. The procurement team also uses the PCS-T website to publish tender opportunities.