External Examiners - Postgraduate ResearchNomination process

The process for nominating Postgraduate Research (PGR) Higher Degree Examination Committees is managed via the PGR Examination Process Sharepoint System.

User Guides to the Sharepoint process: Policy and Code of Practice for Postgraduate Research Study.

11.3.3 The individual nominating the Examination Committee must clearly confirm that all required appointments to the Examining Committee are in place and tick the box on the appropriate form to endorse this. If the nomination form is incomplete in any way it should not be submitted. Student Business issues a report to Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) on a regular basis with details of the PGR examining committees. QAC endorses the recommended appointments of external examiners.

11.4 The External Examiner

11.4.1 The External Examiner will in many cases be a senior academic in an institution of at least equivalent reputation to the University of Strathclyde in the subject area in question. He or she will normally be expected to have a proven publication record in the field of study.

Nomination of Examination Committees are processed via the PGR Examination Process Sharepoint system.

11.8 Recommendations of the Examining Committee

11.8.8 The Convenor will record the outcome and upload a copy of the completed and fully signed Examiners’ Report to the PGR Examination Process (Sharepoint System), certifying that all the instructional elements of the course have been successfully completed, and inform the candidate and the Responsible Person of the outcome and recommendations of the Examining Committee. Student Experience will forward any award recommendation to the Faculty Board of Study and Senate for ratification.