
For formal examinations, students are required to present a form of physical photo ID such as; Young Scot National Entitlement Card, Driving License, BRP or Passport. If you do not have one of these alternative forms of ID, you can request a physical card.

Students are advised to check this page regularly for amendments.

There are three main University exam periods each academic year, as outlined below:

  • Semester 1 Diet (December)
  • Semester 2 Diet (April/May)
  • Resit Diet (July/August)

Students must be available for exams during all three of the exam periods. You must not book any holidays that fall into these periods.

Please note: these dates relate to exams for Undergraduate students. There may be alternative dates for Postgraduate taught students. It's important that you contact your department for further details.

Timetables for the exam diets are normally available four weeks before the diet commences. Once published, student exam timetables will be available via the student portal on Pegasus.

Please note that the dates of individual exams are subject to change. It's the student’s responsibility to know the date, time, and venue of their exams. They should regularly check the web-based timetable on Pegasus for any amendments.