
Our application of the University's mission as 'The Place of Useful Learning' through cutting-edge research that is both theory-driven and relevant for policy and practice.

Strathclyde Physics is consistently highly funded by EPSRC (typically in the top 10) and with significant research funding profiles at other government and industrial bodies. The Department is unique within the University in having a funding portfolio at five of the UK research councils, complemented by other government and charitable bodies: EPSRC, the National Environmental Research Council (NERC), the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Medical Research Council (MRC), the UK Space Agency (UKSA), The Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the EU, The Royal Society, the Leverhulme Trust and the Carnegie Trust.

The Physics Department has equipped a set of well-founded laboratories to facilitate the execution of our research and KE portfolio. In the first round of funding for the UK Quantum Technologies Programme Strathclyde was the only institution that was a partner in all four Quantum Technology (QT) Hubs – a function of the University’s significant investment over many years in a broad spectrum of optical-based quantum science and technology. Strathclyde is also participating in all four QT Hubs awarded in the second round.

We have a strong postgraduate research community that is part of the SUPA graduate school, and many of our students are also part of Doctoral Training Centre programmes.