Risk & ResilienceCovid-19 - Safety Arrangements

The University strategy is to protect the safety, health and wellbeing of its staff and students. As Scotland moves from trying to suppress the virus to a more steady state of living with and managing the virus, the arrangements below explain how this is managed.

The Covid -19 virus is still present but the likelihood of significant health impacts has greatly reduced with the introduction of vaccines and treatments. However, safe behaviours are still required to help minimise any risks of transmission of Covid- 19 and other respirable diseases. There is no longer a specific return to campus process to follow. Instead business as usual safety arrangements for work and study on campus should incorporate controls to prevent the spread of viruses and diseases. Therefore, general risk assessments should include the hazards associated with Covid-19, flu and other respirable diseases.

Note: there is no longer a requirement to conduct Covid specific risk assessments or individual health risk assessments.