CPD and Training Courses for Teachers
“Providing the knowledge and ideas to give you the confidence to design and deliver your own curricula”
In response to the many requests received, we have previously created a programme of CPD for teachers of CfE Chemistry. A selection of modules which have been offered in the past are listed below. You may make direct enquiries about any of these one day courses to the following email address: chemistry-teacherscpd@strath.ac.uk.
Module 1: Advanced Higher Investigations
Module 2: Linking Theoretical and Practical Aspects in the Higher Curriculum
Module 3: Workshops on Selected Topics in the Advanced Higher Curriculum
Module 4: Linking Theoretical and Practical Aspects in the National 5 Curriculum
We hope to continue to develop and run CPD modules on a regular basis and provide a useful and comprehensive range of CPD modules. We strive to be responsive to teachers’ needs and support them to deliver an outstanding education experience to Scottish school pupils. As such, if you have any specific CPD needs, or thoughts on delivery of CPD, that you believe we can assist with, please do get in touch using the email above.