Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) are a UK-wide programme, developed over 45 years ago. Since then it has been helping businesses to improve their competitiveness and productivity by connecting them with an academic partner within the UK.
Each KTP is a three-way partnership between a business, an academic institution and a KTP Associate and can last between 12 and 36 month. The academic partner helps to recruit a graduate, known as the KTP Associate. This KTP Associate is employed by the university but works at the company for the duration of the project.
KTPs allows for a transfer of knowledge, technology and skills otherwise inaccessible to companies. Businesses and organisations from a broad range of sectors are eligible to participate in KTPs.
For more information visit Innovate UK or the West of Scotland KTP Centre.
Are you a business intersted in working with the University of Strathclyde?
For further information on how the Faculty of Science can support your innovation process, please contact Professor John Liggat - j.j.liggat@strath.ac.uk
The Faculty of Science currently is a partner in 6 active KTPs
The Faculty of Science takes part in a number of KTPs, supported by the West of Scotland KTP Centre. Over the last decades 48 KTP projects were funded in the Faculty of Science. Recently we have increased our efforts towards establishing new KTPs and currently have six active projects.