Professor Alexander Galloway

Deputy Associate Principal

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


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Exploring the boundaries of refill friction stir spot welding : influence of short welding times on joint performance
Draper Jonathan, Fritsche Sebastian, Garrick Andrew, Amancio-Filho Sergio T, Toumpis Athanasios, Galloway Alexander
Welding in the World Vol 68, pp. 1801-1813 (2024)
The effect of weld heat input on the microstructure and mechanical properties of wire arc additively manufactured 15-5PH stainless steel
Sword J Iain, Galloway Alexander, Toumpis Athanasios
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol 132, pp. 5305-5314 (2024)
Analysis of environmental impact and mechanical properties of Inconel 625 produced using wire arc additive manufacturing
Sword J Iain, Galloway Alexander, Toumpis Athanasios
Sustainability Vol 16 (2024)
Exploring a novel chamfered tool design for short duration refill friction stir spot welds of high strength aluminium
Draper Jonathan, Fritsche Sebastian, de Traglia Amancio-Filho Sergio, Galloway Alexander, Toumpis Athanasios
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol 131, pp. 5867-5879 (2024)
Fatigue life assessment and fracture mechanisms of additively manufactured metal-fiber reinforced thermoplastic hybrid structures produced via ultrasonic joining
de Carvalho Willian S, Draper Jonathan, Terrazas-Monje Talina, Toumpis Athanasios, Galloway Alexander, Amancio-Filho Sergio T
Journal of Materials Research and Technology Vol 26, pp. 5716-5730 (2023)
An environmental impact comparison between wire + arc additive manufacture and forging for the production of a titanium component
Sword James, Galloway Alexander, Toumpis Athanasios
Sustainable Materials and Technologies Vol 36 (2023)

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Professional Activities

Faculty Robotics and Automation Users Group Discussion

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International Strategic Partner Research Studentship - Investigation of dissimilar material refill friction stir spot welding
Toumpis, Athanasios (Principal Investigator) Galloway, Alexander (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2027
University of Strathclyde Diamond Jubilee Research Studentship
Toumpis, Athanasios (Principal Investigator) Galloway, Alexander (Co-investigator) Sakkir, Azhar Mohammed Pillai (Researcher)
01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2027
Promoting bio-fuel production through a novel mobile pre-processing skid (Royce Industrial Collaboration Programme)
Toumpis, Athanasios (Principal Investigator) Galloway, Alexander (Co-investigator) Sakkir, Azhar Mohammed Pillai (Researcher)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
Evaluation of casting defects for mining equipment.
Galloway, Alexander (Principal Investigator)
09-Jan-2023 - 08-Jan-2024
International Strategic Partner Research Studentship - Experimental and numerical investigation of refill friction stir spot welding
Toumpis, Athanasios (Principal Investigator) Galloway, Alexander (Co-investigator) Draper, Jonathan (Researcher)
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2024
SRSS JARA 1965 - Assessment of advanced grid stiffened structures produced by a modified rolling process
Toumpis, Athanasios (Principal Investigator) Galloway, Alexander (Co-investigator) Garrick, Andrew (Researcher)
01-Jan-2019 - 30-Jan-2022

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Professor Alexander Galloway
Deputy Associate Principal
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Tel: 548 3492