Dr Despina Alexiadou




Personal statement

I joined the school of Government and Public Policy at Strathclyde on May 2017. Previously I held posts at the University of Pittsburgh, University of Warwick and Duke. My research is synthetic and problem driven. It spans comparative political systems, political parties, executives, ministerial careers, comparative and international political economy and the politics of welfare state reform. I explore and theorise the process of policy-making in parliamentary democracies. Some of the questions I address in my work are: Do individual politicians make a difference for policy? Do parties’ electoral promises shape policy in multiparty cabinets? Why are some countries better able to reform their pension and tax system than others? To read my work visit my page on research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Despina_Alexiadou

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I have taught a number of undergraduate and graduate courses in comparative politics, comparative political economy and public policy, comparative welfare states, and time-series cross section data analysis. At Strathclyde, I am teaching an entry level course on comparative politics (L2108: Politics: Decisionmaking and Outcomes) and a third year course on the theoretical foundations of economic policy in industrialised democracies (L2343: Philosophy of Economic Policy). 

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Professional Activities

Nuffield College, University Of Oxford
Visiting researcher
European Political Science Association, Glasgow 2023
Professionalisation and Expertise in Parliamentary Cabinets
The Selection of Rulers in Changing Democracies
Radio interview with Newzroom Afrika
Expert comment at the Conversation on the Autumn Statement 2022

More professional activities


Politicians, Policies and the Reproduction of Wealth
Alexiadou, Despina (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2027
Revolving Door Politics and Income Inequality in Europe: A study of finance ministers
Alexiadou, Despina (Principal Investigator)
Do politicians act in their voters’ or in their personal interests? Representative democracy rests on the assumption that voters elect members of parliament, who in turn elect the government to represent them. Yet, recent research indicates that the preferences of individual politicians can have important policy effects beyond and above the party agenda. In this project I investigate whether the rise in income inequality can be partly explained by the policy preferences and careers of finance ministers.
01-Jan-2020 - 30-Jan-2020
The role of ministerial policy coordination on energy policy and energy poverty.
Alexiadou, Despina (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2020 - 31-Jan-2021

More projects

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Dr Despina Alexiadou

Email: despina.alexiadou@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4731