Dr Neil Banas


Mathematics and Statistics


Personal statement

I'm an oceanographer and mathematical ecologist, with a background in physical oceanography. My current organizing questions: first, given that climate change can push on a marine ecosystem by a dozen separate pathways simultaneously, which pathways are the crucial ones? Second, what is the role of biological complexity (diversity, adaptability, behavior, life history) in large-scale patterns in the ocean? I use a range of dynamical model methods from high-resolution, spatially explicit simulations to paper-and-pencil sketches of life history and population dynamics.

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Modelled marine migrations of Atlantic salmon post-smolts from Irish and Scottish rivers vary interannually with local currents and salinity
Borland Aislinn, Banas Neil, Gallego Alejandro, Speirs Douglas, Tyldesley Emma, Bull Colin
ICES Journal of Marine Science (2024)
Patterns of declining zooplankton energy in the Northeast Atlantic as an indicator for marine survival of Atlantic salmon
Tyldesley Emma, Banas Neil S, Diack Graeme, Kennedy Richard, Gillson Jonathan, Johns David G, Bull Colin
ICES Journal of Marine Science Vol 81, pp. 1164-1184 (2024)
Assessing a model of Pacific Northwest harmful algal bloom transport as a decision-support tool
Stone Hally B, Banas Neil S, MacCready Parker, Trainer Vera L, Ayres Daniel L, Hunter Matthew V
Harmful Algae Vol 119 (2022)
Midnight sun to polar night : a model of seasonal light in the Barents Sea
Connan-McGinty Stacey, Banas Neil S, Berge Jørgen, Cottier Finlo, Grant Stephen, Johnsen Geir, Kopec Tomasz P, Porter Marie, McKee David
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems Vol 14 (2022)
Spatio-temporal variation in the zooplankton prey of lesser sandeels : species and community trait patterns from the continuous plankton recorder
Olin Agnes B, Banas Neil S, Johns David G, Heath Michael R, Wright Peter J, Nager Ruedi G
ICES Journal of Marine Science Vol 79, pp. 1649-1661 (2022)
The onset of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the coastal North Sea supports the Disturbance Recovery Hypothesis
González-Gil Ricardo, Banas Neil S, Bresnan Eileen, Heath Michael R
Biogeosciences Vol 19, pp. 2417-2426 (2022)

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Professional Activities

Independent Peer Review Panel for the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) ROMS-BEC Model (External organisation)
Arctic Science Summit Week
Member of programme committee
MASTS Scientific Advisory Panel (External organisation)
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Annual Science Meeting: Session on Novel Blending of Process-Based and Machine-Learning Approaches for Ecological Prediction
ICES/NASCO Workshop 2 for North Atlantic Salmon At-Sea Mortality (Event)
Trophic teleconnections in the changing Arctic Ocean: Modelling zooplankton life history and energy flows along long-distance transport corridors
Invited speaker

More professional activities


Ecosystem Change, Offshore Wind, Net Gain and Seabirds (ECOWINGS)
Speirs, Douglas (Principal Investigator) Banas, Neil (Co-investigator) Heath, Mike (Co-investigator) Laverick, Jack (Researcher)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2026
Using newly synthesized ecosystem signals during early smolt migration to inform salmon management in southern European stocks
Banas, Neil (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2026
Art of Mapping Ocean Change
Banas, Neil (Principal Investigator) Heath, Mike (Co-investigator)
25-Jan-2021 - 01-Jan-2022
How does phytoplankton diversity affect primary production in the ocean?
Chen, Bingzhang (Principal Investigator) Banas, Neil (Co-investigator) Heath, Mike (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2024
Mapping the use of North Atlantic ocean habitat by post-smolt salmon
Banas, Neil (Principal Investigator)
03-Jan-2020 - 31-Jan-2022
Global warming, plankton functional diversity, and the biological ocean pump
Chen, Bingzhang (Principal Investigator) Banas, Neil (Principal Investigator)
This project aims to understand the roles of plankton functional diversity on the biological ocean pump, a key process of the global carbon cycle, within the context of global warming.
We focus on the vast oligotrophic open ocean and our objective is to combine model development and observational data to address the key questions below:
What types of plankton functional traits will be the most important for primary production and carbon export?
What are the patterns of plankton functional diversity in the oligotrophic open ocean?
How will warming affect both plankton functional diversity and carbon export?
01-Jan-2019 - 01-Jan-2022

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Dr Neil Banas
Mathematics and Statistics

Email: neil.banas@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3379