Mr Tom Bourkel
Senior Teaching Fellow
Work, Employment and Organisation
Prize And Awards
- Teaching Excellence Award for Teaching Innovation
- Recipient
- 2024
- Teaching Excellence Award – nominated
- Recipient
- 2022
- Teaching Excellence Award – Best in Faculty
- Recipient
- 2021
- Teaching Excellence Award – Shortlisted
- Recipient
- 2019
- Teaching Excellence Award
- Recipient
- 2018
- Teaching Excellence Award – Shortlisted
- Recipient
- 2017
- Re-building students' post-COVID-19 confidence in courses, curriculum and careers for tourism, hospitality and events
- Siow May Ling, Lockstone-Binney Leonie, Fraser Barry, Cheung Catherine, Shin Joongwon, Lam Rachel, Ramachandran Sridar, Abreu Novais Margarida, Bourkel Tom, Baum Tom
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education Vol 33, pp. 270-287 (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/10963758.2021.1963973
- Rebuilding student confidence in tourism, hospitality and events post-COVID-19
- Lockstone-Binney Leonie, Margarida Abreu Novais Margarida, Fraser Barry, Siow May-Ling, Ramachandran Sridar, Lam Robert, Shin Joongwon, Cheung Catherine, Bourkel Tom, Baum Tom
- CAUTHE 2021 Conference Online, pp. 529-529 (2021)
- Catering for Scotland's Future Skills Needs : Attracting, Training and Retaining Chefs
- Anderson Pauline, Baum Tom, Bourkel Tom, Butler Joanna
- (2019)
I currently teach on numerous undergraduate modules including:
- Introduction to Tourism Studies (UG level 1)
- Service Encounter Management (UG level 2)
- Events Management (UG level 3)
- Internationalisation of Hospitality & Tourism (UG level 3)
Other Teaching:
I am the academic lead for OB206 Business and Management Fundamentals. The class is part of Strathclyde’s Graduate Apprenticeships and supported by Skills Development Scotland and the Scottish Funding Council.
I teach Hospitality Operations on Breaking Barriers: Breaking Barriers consists of a partnership between ENABLE Works and the University of Strathclyde Business School. The programme enables young people with learning disabilities to achieve an accredited qualification and gain real work with some of Scotland’s largest employers. The programme has been recognised in numourous awards.
I teach Organizational Entry & Change Management on Forming Futures, in collaboration with the Wide Group. A first-of-its-kind partnership to deliver business skills and an applied learning placement to prison leavers.
Across all my teaching, I am committed to:
- Create a stimulating, versatile and encouraging learning atmosphere.
- Consistently individualise instruction, based on student's needs and interests.
- Develop inspiring hands-on lessons to strengthen students’ practical and social skills.
- Help the students to build cooperative and professional relationships with industry professionals.
Over the past years, I have received several nominations for Teaching Excellence Awards. This highlights my ability to engage with students and stimulate learning through a practical and imaginative teaching approach.
Research Interests
My research intrests aim to:
- Enhance experential learning in HE
- Better understand experential learning and the applciation of innovative assessment formats
- Expore the challenges of participant observations in risk filled work environments
- Examine issues and trends in the Culinary Industry
Professional Activities
- Incorporation of Maltmen in Glasgow (External organisation)
- Advisor
- 2023
- CAUTHE 2021 Conference Online
- Participant
- 2021
- Scottish DTC Business and Management Pathway PhD Colloquium
- Participant
- 28/4/2014
- BSA Annual Conference 2014 - Changing Society
- Participant
- 14/4/2014
- BSA Annual Conference 2013 - Engaging Sociology
- Participant
- 3/4/2013
- Catering for Scotland's future skills needs: Attracting, training and retaining young chefs
- Anderson, Pauline (Principal Investigator) Baum, Thomas (Co-investigator) Bourkel, Tom (Co-investigator)
- Research Project Commissioned by SDS (CWBL)
Skills Development Scotland Co Ltd: £14,170.00 - 03-Jan-2019 - 30-Jan-2019
Senior Teaching Fellow
Work, Employment and Organisation
Email: tom.bourkel@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 553 6017