Dr Enrico Brunetti
Research Fellow
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- Commissioning of a high repetition rate ion source target area at the SCAPA facility
- Dolier Ewan, Wilson Robbie, Torrance Ben, Peat Romero Maia, Alderton Matthew, McQueen Christopher, Wiggins Mark, Manahan Grace, Brunetti Enrico, Li Wentao, Jaroszynski Dino, Gray Ross, McKenna Paul
- 2024 Christmas Meeting of the High Power Laser User Community (2024)
- On the development and commissioning of a high repetition rate ion source target area to facilitate 1 Hz operation
- Wilson Robbie, Torrance Ben, Dolier Ewan, Peat Romero Maia, Alderton Matthew, McQueen Christopher, Wiggins Mark, Manahan Grace, Brunetti Enrico, Li Wentao, Jaroszynski Dino, Gray Ross, McKenna Paul
- 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (2024)
- The acceleration of a high-charge electron bunch to 10 GeV in a 10-cm nanoparticle-assisted wakefield accelerator
- Aniculaesei Constantin, Ha Thanh, Yoffe Samuel, Labun Lance, Milton Stephen, McCary Edward, Spinks Michael M, Quevedo Hernan J, Labun Ou Z, Sain Ritwik, Hannasch Andrea, Zgadzaj Rafal, Pagano Isabella, Franco-Altamirano Jose A, Ringuette Martin L, Gaul Erhart, Luedtke Scott V, Tiwari Ganesh, Ersfeld Bernhard, Brunetti Enrico, Ruhl Hartmut, Ditmire Todd, Bruce Sandra, Donovan Michael E, Downer Michael C, Jaroszynski Dino A, Hegelich Bjorn Manuel
- Matter and Radiation at Extremes Vol 9 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0161687
- Method of producing 100 keVs ion beams from a gas jet using two intense laser pulses
- Yigitoglu Keskin Merve, Pring Willow, Perez-Hernandez Jose Antonio, Matellanes Roberto Lera, Mill Jason, de Luis Diego, Boudjema Nardjesse, Varela Oscar, Garcia-Garcia Enrique, Mendez Valverde Cruz, Brunetti Enrico, Ersfeld Bernhard, Kumar Sanjeev, Wiggins Mark, Gatti Giancarlo, Volpe Luca, Roso Luis, Demirkoz M Bilge, Jaroszynski Dino
- Proceedings of SPIE 12579, Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions VII (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2672099
- A beamline to control longitudinal phase space whilst transporting laser wakefield accelerated electrons to an undulator
- Dewhurst Kay A, Muratori Bruno D, Brunetti Enrico, van der Geer Bas, de Loos Marieke, Owen Hywel L, Wiggins S Mark, Jaroszynski Dino A
- Scientific Reports Vol 13 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-35435-7
- The role of transient plasma photonic structures in plasma-based amplifiers
- Vieux Grégory, Cipiccia Silvia, Welsh Gregor H, Yoffe Samuel R, Gärtner Felix, Tooley Matthew P, Ersfeld Bernhard, Brunetti Enrico, Eliasson Bengt, Picken Craig, McKendrick Graeme, Hur MinSup, Dias João M, Kühl Thomas, Lehmann Götz, Jaroszynski Dino A
- Communications Physics Vol 6 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-022-01109-5
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Professional Activities
- Enhanced scattering from a locally produced transient plasma grating in a plasma-based amplifier
- Contributor
- 19/4/2021
- Plasma and conventional undulator studies using ultra-short electron bunches: towards a bright ultra-short pulsed x-ray source
- Jaroszynski, Dino (Principal Investigator) Brunetti, Enrico (Research Co-investigator)
- 15-Jan-2022 - 14-Jan-2025
- Lab in a bubble
- Jaroszynski, Dino (Principal Investigator) Boyd, Marie (Co-investigator) Brunetti, Enrico (Co-investigator) Ersfeld, Bernhard (Co-investigator) Hidding, Bernhard (Co-investigator) McKenna, Paul (Co-investigator) Noble, Adam (Co-investigator) Sheng, Zheng-Ming (Co-investigator) Vieux, Gregory (Co-investigator) Welsh, Gregor H. (Co-investigator) Wiggins, Mark (Co-investigator)
- "The lab in a bubble project is a timely investigation of the interaction of charged particles with radiation inside and in the vicinity of relativistic plasma bubbles created by intense ultra-short laser pulses propagating in plasma. It builds on recent studies carried out by the ALPHA-X team of coherent X-ray radiation from the laser-plasma wakefield accelerator and high field effects where radiation reaction becomes important. The experimental programme will be carried out using high power lasers and investigate new areas of physics where single-particle and collective radiation reaction and quantum effects become important, and where non-linear coupling and instabilities between beams, laser, plasma and induced fields develop, which result in radiation and particle beams with unique properties. Laser-plasma interactions are central to all problems studied and understanding their complex and often highly non-linear interactions gives a way of controlling the bubble and beams therein. To investigate the rich range of physical processes, advanced theoretical and experimental methods will be applied and advantage will be taken of know-how and techniques developed by the teams. New analytical and numerical methods will be developed to enable planning and interpreting results from experiments. Advanced experimental methods and diagnostics will be developed to probe the bubble and characterise the beams and radiation. An important objective will be to apply the radiation and beams in selected proof-of-concept applications to the benefit of society.
The project is involves a large group of Collaborators and Partners, who will contribute to both theoretical and experimental work. The diverse programme is managed through a synergistic approach where there is strong linkage between work-packages, and both theoretical and experiential methodologies are applied bilaterally: experiments are informed by theory at planning and data interpretation stages, and theory is steered by the outcome of experimental studies, which results in a virtuous circle that advances understanding of the physics inside and outside the lab in a bubble. We also expect to make major advances in high field physics and the development of a new generation of compact coherent X-ray sources." - 01-Jan-2016 - 31-Jan-2021
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Research Fellow
Email: enrico.brunetti@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4305