Ms Jenny Carey
Senior Teaching Fellow
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- Podcast #30 : Meet a team - Early Years
- Shaw Nicky, Carey Jenny, Arnott Lorna
- (2022)
- Realising the Ambition - Being Me : National Practice Guidance for Early Years in Scotland
- Crichton Vicky, Carwood-Edwards Jean, Ryan Janine, McTaggart James, Collins Janice, MacConnell Mary Pat, Wallace Lesley, Diamond Catherine, Grogan Deirdre, Carey Jenny, MacAulay Liz, Shaw Nicky, Gill Catriona, Johnston Kathleen
- (2020)
- Teacher noticing in language and literacy landscapes of practice
- Ellis Sue, Rowe Adele, Carey Jenny, Smith Vivienne
- Developing Habits of Noticing in Literacy and Language Classrooms Research and practice Across Professional Cultures (2020) (2020)
- Generating data, generating knowledge : professional development in the Strathclyde literacy clinic
- Ellis Susan, Thomson Jane, Carey Jenny
- Improving Reading and Reading Engagement in the 21st Century International Research and Innovations (2017) (2017)
- https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-4331-4
- An Evaluation of The Early Years Pedagogue Masters (Phase 1)
- Carey Jenny, Karagiannidou Eleni
- (2016)
- Families at the margins : mechanisms of inequality and early transition strategies to promote positive change and inclusion
- Marwick Helen, Dunlop Aline-Wendy, Carey Jenny, Martlew Joan
- European Early Childhood Educational Research Association Conference, Crete, Greece, Sept 2014 (2014)
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Professional Activities
- Strathwrites - funded by Strathclyde Jubilee Fund (£850)
- Organiser
- 13/3/2024
- Scottish Government: Early Learning & Childcare (External organisation)
- Member
- 14/4/2016
- Early Years Scotland Book Reviewer
- Consultant
- 1/1/2014
- Provision of Masters level qualifications in Early Years Pedagogy Apr 19 - Mar 20
- Carey, Jenny (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2023
- ELC Expansion Early Years Professional Learning
- Carey, Jenny (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2018 - 31-Jan-2020
- Cluster 10: Developing an Equitable Literacy Curriculum
- Ellis, Susan (Principal Investigator) Carey, Jenny (Co-investigator)
- 07-Jan-2017 - 31-Jan-2018
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Senior Teaching Fellow
Email: jenny.carey@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 444 8035