Ms Jenny Carey

Senior Teaching Fellow



Personal statement

Jenny Carey is a core member of the Early Years and Literacy Team at Strathclyde.

She works with Early Years Professionals and Teachers to develop early years and/or literacy pedagogy to support and enhance practice.

Jenny is the Course Director for Masters in Education, Early Years Pedagogue course(EYP), and was successfully awarded Scottish Government funding to support aspects of workforce development in and across the Early Years (

Over the last three years she has worked to evaluate aspects of EYP M.Ed. student’s learning and its links to changes in practice in the early years. She has also led on a range of Early Years graduate knowledge exchange activities.

Jenny leads on a range of undergraduate and masters modules related to  Early Years curriculum and pedagogy and enjoys her role as Early Years Scotland Book Reviewer. 

Her work in literacy has focussed on the development of teacher’s understandings.  She has worked across local authorities to explore ways in which collaborative work, through the Strathclyde Literacy Clinic approach, supports teacher agency and responsiveness and knowledge in literacy learning and teaching (reading and writing). 

Her PhD studies is examining aspects of identity, agency and professional knowledge for preservice and early career literacy teachers. 

Jenny leads on the undergraduate Strathclyde Literacy and Numeracy Clinic as well as undergraduate literacy modules. 

During her time at Strathclyde, she has worked on a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses including the BACP, BA in Primary Education, PGDE Primary and the M.Ed. Programme. She contributes to Learning & Teaching for GTC registered teachers, Early Years Workforce Development and Literacy Learning and Teaching.

Before joining the University Jenny had experience teaching in both England and Scotland. During her time in management of schools she had responsibility for monitoring literacy development and attainment across the Early Years and Primary alongside a focus for learning and teaching in the early years.

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Podcast #30 : Meet a team - Early Years
Shaw Nicky, Carey Jenny, Arnott Lorna
Realising the Ambition - Being Me : National Practice Guidance for Early Years in Scotland
Crichton Vicky, Carwood-Edwards Jean, Ryan Janine, McTaggart James, Collins Janice, MacConnell Mary Pat, Wallace Lesley, Diamond Catherine, Grogan Deirdre, Carey Jenny, MacAulay Liz, Shaw Nicky, Gill Catriona, Johnston Kathleen
Teacher noticing in language and literacy landscapes of practice
Ellis Sue, Rowe Adele, Carey Jenny, Smith Vivienne
Developing Habits of Noticing in Literacy and Language Classrooms Research and practice Across Professional Cultures (2020) (2020)
Generating data, generating knowledge : professional development in the Strathclyde literacy clinic
Ellis Susan, Thomson Jane, Carey Jenny
Improving Reading and Reading Engagement in the 21st Century International Research and Innovations (2017) (2017)
An Evaluation of The Early Years Pedagogue Masters (Phase 1)
Carey Jenny, Karagiannidou Eleni
Families at the margins : mechanisms of inequality and early transition strategies to promote positive change and inclusion
Marwick Helen, Dunlop Aline-Wendy, Carey Jenny, Martlew Joan
European Early Childhood Educational Research Association Conference, Crete, Greece, Sept 2014 (2014)

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Professional Activities

Strathwrites - funded by Strathclyde Jubilee Fund (£850)
Scottish Government: Early Learning & Childcare (External organisation)
Early Years Scotland Book Reviewer

More professional activities


Provision of Masters level qualifications in Early Years Pedagogy Apr 19 - Mar 20
Carey, Jenny (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2023
ELC Expansion Early Years Professional Learning
Carey, Jenny (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2018 - 31-Jan-2020
Cluster 10: Developing an Equitable Literacy Curriculum
Ellis, Susan (Principal Investigator) Carey, Jenny (Co-investigator)
07-Jan-2017 - 31-Jan-2018

More projects

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Ms Jenny Carey
Senior Teaching Fellow

Tel: 444 8035