Dr Sharada Nia Davidson




Personal statement

Sharada has been a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Economics since 2020, the same year in which she was awarded her PhD in Economics from the University of Strathclyde.  She also holds an MSc in Economics (Econometrics Stream) with Distinction from the University of Edinburgh's Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics.

International Macroeconomics, Central Banking, Applied (Bayesian) Econometrics

The first strand of Sharada's research involves developing and using (Bayesian) macroeconometric techniques to shed light on issues in international macroeconomics, international finance and central banking. She has acted as  Consultant to the European Central Bank's Macroprudential Policy Analysis Division.  She is particularly interesed in modelling developing and emerging economies.  

Decolonising Quantitative Methodologies in Research and Teaching

A new strand of  Sharada's work considers how we can decolonise quantitative methodologies and the analysis of economic data.  Sharada has been invited to deliver workshops and talks on these issues by a variety of institutions including the Open University and LSE's Eden Centre for Inclusive Education

Economic Measurement and Statistics

Sharada is also affiliated with the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE), funded by the UK's Office for National Statistics and the Fraser of Allander Institute, undertaking projects involving economic measurement and statistics. 

Sharada has successfully bid for grants and led work appraising the UK's and Northern Ireland's subnational socioeconomic indicators working in partnership with the ONS, Northern Ireland Office, the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency and the Department for the Economy Northern Ireland.  She has also delivered projects on interregional trade and regional supply and use tables. 

Teaching and Citizenship

Sharada is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has designed and delivered modules involving data analysis including Energy Finance and Forecasting (MSc in the Economics and Policy of Energy and Climate Change) and Econometrics 2 - Time Series (MSc in Economics hosted by the University of Edinburgh).  She is particularly interested in equality, diversity and inclusion in teaching.

Sharada has supervised dissertations on topics involving: international macroeconomics, time series econometrics and the appraisal of economic policy.  She has also supervised PhD Dissertations.

Sharada is currently Year 2 and 3 co-ordinator for the undergraduate programme in Economics and a member of the Department's Teaching and Learning Committee, having previously acted as Year 1 co-ordinator.  

Additional Information

Further information about Sharada's research and teaching  can be found on her website 

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Sharada is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Second and Third Year Co-ordinator for the Undergraduate Programme in Economics.  She is involved in a wide range of modules, teaching students econometrics and forecasting on the:

  • BA (Hons) in Economics
  • MSc in Economics and Policy of Energy and Climate Change 
  • Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics at the University of Edinburgh
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Research Interests

  1. Applied Bayesian Macroeconometrics
  2. International Macroeconomics and Finance 
  3. Central Banking
  4. Decolonising Quantitative Methodologies
  5. Developing and Emerging Economies
  6. Economic Measurement and Statistics 

Professional Activities

From Colonial Global Economy to Colonial Methodology: The Decolonization Agenda Meets Data Analysis
Decolonising Quantitative Methodologies in Research and Teaching
From Colonial Global Economy to Colonial Methodology: The Decolonization Agenda Meets Data Analysis
Invited speaker
ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement 2024
Member of programme committee
Development Studies Association Annual Conference
Royal Economic Society 2024 Annual Conference
Member of programme committee

More professional activities


ESRC/SGSSS Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) Supervisor-Led Studentship Competition: £120,000
Davidson, Sharada Nia (Principal Investigator) Wu, Ping (Principal Investigator) Koop, Gary (Co-investigator) Zhang, Zhoulihua (Researcher)
Missing but not Forgotten: Modelling New Developments in the Global Economy Using Data with Missing Values
01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2028
Cultures of Collaborative Research in a Socially Progressive Technological University / R230557-203
Davidson, Sharada Nia (Co-investigator)
16-Jan-2024 - 15-Jan-2026
Northern Ireland Economic Data Innovation Fund
Davidson, Sharada Nia (Principal Investigator) Connolly, Kevin (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2023
Improving the Quality of Regional Economic Indicators: A Scoping Study for the Development of a Suite of Subnational Indicators
Davidson, Sharada Nia (Principal Investigator) Connolly, Kevin (Co-investigator) Spowage, Mairi (Co-investigator) Crummey, Ciara (Researcher)
20-Jan-2021 - 19-Jan-2022
Improving the Quality of Regional Economic Indicators: A Framework for the Production of Supply and Use and Input Output Tables for the Four Nations
Davidson, Sharada Nia (Principal Investigator) Black, James (Principal Investigator) Connolly, Kevin (Principal Investigator) Spowage, Mairi (Principal Investigator)
In this report, we develop a strategic framework for the production of Supply and Use Tables across the four UK nations.
01-Jan-2020 - 30-Jan-2021
Improving the Quality of Regional Economic Indicators: A Framework for Interregional Trade Data Collection and Estimation
Davidson, Sharada Nia (Researcher) Spowage, Mairi (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2020 - 30-Jan-2021

More projects

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Dr Sharada Nia Davidson

Email: sharada.n.davidson@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3838