Dr Angela De Britos

Senior Teaching Fellow



Personal statement

Prior to moving into academia, Angela taught in numerous schools with a variety of age groups in Scotland, England and Spain. During her time in school, Angela led successful European projects, established links abroad, mentored Language Assistants, and took part in teacher exchanges and educational visits to Barcelona, Cyprus, Finland, France and Lithuania. Awarded 'Advanced Skills Teacher' status in 2007, she then became a Local Authority advisory teacher for languages and later led the Ethnic Minority Achievement Service.

Before joining the University of Strathclyde, Angela worked as a lecturer in primary education at the University of St Mark & St John, Plymouth where she was also responsible for the early career development of NQTs. Angela completed her Masters research which focused on how primary teachers and senior leaders can successfully embed best practice in modern languages. 

Angela's PhD research investigated the experiences of bilingual children and their families in Scotland. It revealed the importance of bilingualism and biculturalism in their lives and the impact of this on their social, emotional and communcative development, especially for non-European families. Angela speaks Spanish at home and raises her children bilingually. 

Angela leads the MEd Education Studies course and teaches on a variety of modules across undergraduate, PGDE and postgraduate courses. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is interested in supervising postgraduate students (Masters & PhD/EdD) in the fields of bilingualism, languages, literacy, culture and the teaching & learning of English.


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Professional Activities

Invited speaker
Nordic Education Research Association (NERA) annual conference 2024
Education (Organisational unit)
Building an EAP Toolkit for a New Era
Stakeholder engagement event for the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy
Djurre Fijen

More professional activities


Building socially sustainable societies through the linguistic and cultural integration of immigrants
De Britos, Angela (Principal Investigator) Mouat, Clare (Principal Investigator)
The Nordic countries share the ambition of building socially sustainable societies, and to achieve this goal, the inclusion of newcomers – and hence the successful teaching of the Nordic languages as second languages – is a key component. The Nordic welfare societies share several unique traits regarding societal and educational structures, therefore sharing and building knowledge about the Nordic languages as second languages is highly relevant. This project brings together researchers and teacher educators from across the Nordic region who will share ongoing research and development projects from the field of second language teaching and learning in the Nordic countries through on-line seminars and a network meetings. The meetings and seminars will address the following themes: Current issues in second language pedagogies i.e. technology, translanguaging, grammar; the Nordic languages as second languages across the Nordics; the status of the Nordic languages and language policies across the Nordics; the status of minority languages/family languages; innovation in second language teaching and issues of inclusion of second language learners. The network will focus on a comparative Nordic perspective, and the outcomes will include an extensive overview of insights from current research in the Nordic languages as second languages and the different educational models and practices in use in the participating countries. The outcomes will be highly relevant for both teacher educators and their students and will be made accessible to both educators and students, but also constitute a resource for further research and network building both for researchers within and beyond the network.
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
Erasmus+ Project: Integrating primary and pre-school virtual exchange projects into language teacher education
De Britos, Angela (Co-investigator) Birnie, Inge (Principal Investigator) Mouat, Clare (Co-investigator)
Ongoing consultancy for the INVITED project (integrating primary and pre-school virtual exchange projects into language teacher education) seeks to promote the use of virtual exchange (VE) projects in primary and pre-school language education and to develop teachers' competences regarding VE by integrating VE projects with young learners into pre- and in-service language teacher education. Project members are teacher educators from five different universities in Europe in cooperation with local schools.

The project is going to implement a survey on teachers´ experiences with VE in pre-school and primary language education to find out about teachers´ needs.
A community for teachers interested in VE is created in the form of an e-twinning group to exchange experiences and materials and display good practice.
A teacher education module that includes the implementation of a VE project in a local school is developed, adapted for a professional development course and made available on the ESEC platform.

The project provides opportunities for pre- and in-service teachers to connect through the online community and offers support for their VE projects. It develops a teacher education module that will be part of the partners´ curricula and made available as an online training course. These outcomes will help promote the use of VE in young learner language education, develop teachers´ competences regarding VE and foster children´s and teachers´ cultural, linguistic and digital competences.
01-Jan-2023 - 01-Jan-2026
Generation Global: Multilingualism and intercultural skills for a dual-competency workforce of the future
Hare, Paul (Principal Investigator) Bell, Sheena (Co-investigator) De Britos, Angela (Co-investigator) Mouat, Clare (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2018 - 31-Jan-2021

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Dr Angela De Britos
Senior Teaching Fellow

Email: angela.de-britos@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 444 8060