Professor Alex Dickson



Personal statement

Alex Dickson is a Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Strathclyde, where he has been a member of the faculty since 2008. Between 2022 and 2024 he served as Associate Dean (PGR) in Strathclyde Business School. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Keele in 2005 and held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Manchester from 2005-2007.

Alex is a microeconomist, and has research interests in the fields of bilateral oligopoly and contests, where he exploits his understanding of aggregative games; in industrial organisation; and in behavioural economics.

He is very willing to supervise suitably qualified PhD students in his fields of interest.

Alex will also provide thoughtful and clear economic advice on a consultancy basis, particularly in the areas of Industrial Economics and Behavioural Economics.

Alex currently teaches classes on Behavioural Economics (hons); Industrial Organisation (SGPE MSc); and Microeconomics (MBA).

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Area of Expertise

  1. Applied Microeconomic Theory
  2. Game Theory
  3. Behavioural Economics
  4. Industrial Economics

I am very happy to supervise suitably qualified PhD students in these areas; please get in touch if you want to discuss a potential research project.


2002-2005: Ph.D. Economics, Keele University, UK.Thesis title: On strategic Marshallian analysis: Shapley and Shubik meet Mar-shall and Cournot. Funded by ESRC Ph.D. studentship award number PTA-030-2003-00278. Awarded with a commendation by the examiners. Supervisors:Prof. R. Hartley (Manchester) and Prof. T. Worrall (Keele). Examiners: Prof.S. Ghosal (Warwick) and Prof. R. Cornes (Nottingham).

2001-2002: MSc. Economics, University of Manchester, UK.Awarded with Distinction. Dissertation title: A study of alternative strategicmarket game mechanisms. Funded by University of Manchester scholarship.

1998-2001: BA Economics and Finance, Keele University, UK.Awarded with 1st class honours.

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I believe in teaching Economics in a rigorous yet accessible way. I have teaching interests in Microeconomics; Game Theory; Behavioural Economics and Industrial Economics.

I currently teach Behavioural Economics (hons); Industrial Organisation (SGPE MSc); and Microeconomics (MBA).

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Research Interests

My primary research interests are in Microeconomics, in particular in: game theoretic approaches to general and partial models of competitive behavior; aggregative games with applications to contests and strategic market games; endogenous timing in games and commitment; and behavioral economics and game theory. I have further broad interests in industrial organisation, the interaction of behaviour and policy, and applied game theory in general.

Professional Activities

CMA/Ofcom workshop on Economic regulation in times of cost of living and productivity challenges
ICADE/SBS Workshop on PhD Collaboration
ICADE Comillas
Visiting researcher
Aix-Marseille University
Visiting researcher
CMA Workshop on Key challenges in economic regulation: digital markets and sustainability.
National Institute Economic Review (Journal)
Peer reviewer

More professional activities


KTP - Coolside Ltd t/a Trtl. Development of a platform to proactively determine and address ongoing counterfeiting and unauthorised product distribution
Roper, Marc (Principal Investigator) Dickson, Alexander (Co-investigator) Wallace, William (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 28-Jan-2025
Funding support for PhD studentship on seal-fishery bioeconomic modelling
Cook, Robin (Principal Investigator) Dickson, Alexander (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2012 - 31-Jan-2015

More projects

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Professor Alex Dickson

Tel: 548 3849