Dr Mark Elliott
Senior Lecturer
Area of Expertise
- Applied and Experimental Social Psychology (incl. Traffic Psychology; Health Psychology)
- Attitudes
- Social Cognition Models
- Habits and Past Behaviour
- Cognition- and Behaviour- Change Interventions
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
- BSc(Hons) Psychology (University of Southampton)
- PhD (University of Sheffield)
- Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol)
- Associate Member of the British Psychological society (AFBPsS)
- Member of the International Association of Applied Psychology (Division 13: Traffic and Transport Psychology; Division 8: Health Psychology)
BSc (Hons) (University of Southampton)
PhD (University of Sheffield)
- Predicting adherence to ankle-foot orthoses in people with stroke : an application of the theory of planned behaviour
- McMonagle Christine, Rasmussen Susan, Rooney Robbie, Elliott Mark
- (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1097/PXR.0000000000000370
- Using a volitional help sheet to increase university students' attendance at synchronous online lectures : a randomised controlled trial
- Elliott Mark A, McGroarty Allan, Robertson David J
- British Journal of Educational Psychology Vol 94, pp. 328-345 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12647
- I intend to attend : enhancing students' lecture attendance
- Elliott Mark A, McGroarty Allan, Robertson David J
- (2024)
- Evidence that implementation intentions reduce self-harm in the community
- Paterson Abigail, Elliott Mark A, Nicholls Louise A B, Rasmussen Susan
- British Journal of Health Psychology Vol 28, pp. 1241-1260 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/bjhp.12682
- Evaluating mentors in violence prevention : a longitudinal, multilevel assessment of outcome changes
- Pagani Stefania, Hunter Simon C, Lawrence David, Elliott Mark A
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence Vol 52, pp. 1390–1404 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-023-01781-y
- Evaluating the mentors in violence prevention program : a process examination of how implementation can affect gender-based violence outcomes
- Pagani Stefania, Hunter Simon C, Elliott Mark A
- Journal of Interpersonal Violence Vol 38, pp. 4390-4415 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605221115117
Current and Recent Postgraduate Research (PhD) Students
- Abigail Paterson (with Dr Susan Rasmussen and Dr Louise Nicholls, University of Strathclyde): Implementation intentions, cognitive abilities and self-harm (full-time; 2018-present). Funded by the European and Economic Research Council (ESRC).
- Stefania Pagani (with Dr Simon Hunter, University of Strathclyde): Evaluation of the Mentors for Violence Prevention intervention in Scottish Schools (full-time; 2017-present). Joint funded by the University of Strathclyde (50%) and the Scottish Police Authority (50%).
- Ingeborg Storesund Hesjevoll (with Dr Beate Seibt, University of Oslo): Developing and testing volitional help sheets for increasing bicycling and walking and improving car driver safety for bicyclists and pedestrians (full-time; 2017-present). Funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
- Rebecca McCartan (with Dr Allan McGroarty, University of Strathclyde): Development of cognitive dissonance-based attitude-change interventions (full-time; October 2015-present). Funded by the European and Economic Research Council (ESRC).
- Sarah Brewster (with Dr Steve Kelly, University of Strathclyde): Using implementation intentions to change driver behaviour (completed in 2016). Funded by he University of Strathclyde.
- Abir Abdel Rahman (with Dr Pauline Adair, Queens University): A theory-based exploration of adding sugar to beverages in Lebanese public school children (completed in 2016). Self-Funded.
- Christine McMonagle (with Dr Susan Rasmussen, Universiy of Strathclyde): The use and usefulness of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) for people with stroke (part-time; Oct 2009 - present). Funded by the University of Strathclyde.
- Shemane Murtagh (with Dr David Rowe, University of Strathclyde): Understanding school travel behaviour: An application of the theory of planned behaviour and the construct of habit (completed in 2013). Funded by Sustrans and the National Physical Activity Research Evaluation Group.
Postgraduate Teaching
I am Class Leader for C8939 Quantitative Research Methods. I also teach on:
C8939 Quantitative Research Methods:
- Correlation
- Simple Regression
- Multiple Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Factor Analysis
C8937 Dissertation (Project Areas):
- Social cognition models (e.g. theory of reasoned action theory of planned behaivour; prototype willingness model; social cognitive theory; MODE model; health-belief model)
- Attitude dimensionaliy, ambivalence, stability, accessibility
- Implicit and explicit attitudes
- Implementation intentions
- Cognitive dissonance interventions (e.g., induced compliance and hypocrisy induction)
- Persuasion/educational interventions in the areas of both health and safety behaviour
Undergraduate Teaching:
I am the Class Leader for both C8202 Social and Health Psycholoy and C8307 Social Psychology. I also teach on:
C8202 Social and Health Psychology:
- Principles of Social Psychology
- Attribution theories
- Attribution biases
- Situational determinants of prosocial behaviour
- Personal determinants of prosocial behaviour
- Models of aggression
- Media violence and aggressive behaviour
C8307 Social Psychology:
- Attitude formation
- Attitude change
- Attitude-behaviour correspondence
- Social cognition models
- Social schemas
- Social representations
- Prejudice
C8498 Psychology Dissertation (Project Areas):
- Same as for C8937, above
Research Interests
My research focuses on:
- Attitudes and attitude-change
- Social cognition models
- Habits and past behaviour
- Cognition- and behaviour-change interventions
I mainly research these topics in relation to driver risk-taking behaviour but I have also conducted research on other health-risk and educational behaviours including binge-drinking, smoking, unheathy eating, self-harm and inclusive teaching practices.
Click here for publications and citation data.
Research Grants
2022: IF-THEN behaviour-change app – proof of concept (Principal Investigator). KE Grant funded by the Strathclyde University Stage Gate Process. £2,000.
2020-2022: MVP Lead Implementation Interviews (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Scottish Police Authority. £5,150.
2019-2020: Improving Parents' Driving Behaviour (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by Road Safety Scotland, the Scottish Government. £46,720.
2017-2018: Development and Evaluation of a Child-Parent Road Safety Educational Intervention to Influence Parental Driving Habits (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by Road Safety Scotland, the Scottish Government. £53,292.
2016-2020: Push and Show: Nudging for mode change in urban areas with road markings, intrinsic motivation and external rewards (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Norwegian Research Council. £850,000.
2014-2017: Challenging Hidden Barriers in the Workplace (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the Big Lottery Fund. £496,947.
2014-2015: Crowdsourcing Driving Sensonomies: Low-Cost Driving Hazard Awareness and Detection (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the University of Strathclyde, Bridging the Gap Initiative. £7,000.
2007-2010: Monitoring Speed Awareness Courses: Baseline Data Collection (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the UK Department for Transport. £138,400.
2006-2008: Development of Pass Plus Scheme for Newly Qualified Drivers (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the UK Department for Transport. £220,626.
2005-2006: Changing Drivers' Attitudes and Speeding Behaviour (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Transport Research Foundation. £9,997.
2004-2006: Understanding Why Objects are Thrown at Traffic (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Highways Agency. £49,971.
2003-2004: How methods and levels of policing affect road casualty rates (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by Transport for London. £12,000.
2002-2005: Psychological Traffic Calming (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the Charging and Local Transport Division of the Department for Transport. £399,000.
2002-2007: Elderly and Disabled Motorists Requirements - Part II (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Mobility and Inclusion Unit of the Department for Transport. £199,692.
2002-2003: Driver Behaviour II (2002) (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Transport Research Foundation. £32,000.
2001-2007: The Cohort II Study of Learner and Novice Drivers (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £1,451,000.
2001-2004: Multivariate Analysis of Factors Affecting the Accident Risk of Motorcyclists (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £154,000.
2001-2004: Child Development and Road Safety Education Research Programme - Phase III: Road Safety in Early Adolescence (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £194,935.
2001-2002: Driver Behaviour I (2001) (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Transport Research Foundation. £34,000.
1999-2000: Motorcycle Safety: A Scoping Study (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £19,999.
Professional Activities
- Enhancing placemaking in Glasgow through methods co-development - ENGAGE 2024
- Speaker
- 9/5/2024
- Changing driver behaviour using implementation intentions
- Speaker
- 26/6/2018
- Improving Parental Driving Behaviour
- Invited speaker
- 25/10/2017
- Development of interventions to encourage implementation intention formation and behaviour-change
- Invited speaker
- 2017
- 31st International Congress of Psychology
- Speaker
- 24/7/2016
- 31st International Congress of Psychology
- Speaker
- 24/7/2016
- MVP Lead Implementation Interviews
- Cogan, Nicola (Principal Investigator) Hunter, Simon C. (Principal Investigator) Cogan, Nicola (Co-investigator) Elliott, Mark (Co-investigator)
- 06-Jan-2020 - 28-Jan-2022
- Improving parents? driving behaviour: Main Study (Work Plan)
- Elliott, Mark (Principal Investigator)
- 01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2020
- Evaluation of a child-parent road safety educational intervention to influence parental driving
- Elliott, Mark (Principal Investigator)
- Evaluation of a child-parent road safety educational intervention to influence parental driving habits
- 13-Jan-2017 - 31-Jan-2017
- ShovingAWay - nudging for sustainable transport in urban areas with road markings, intrinsic motivation and external rewards
- Elliott, Mark (Principal Investigator)
- ShovingAWay - nudging for sustainable transport in urban areas with road markings, intrinsic motivation and external rewards
- 01-Jan-2017 - 31-Jan-2020
- Developing and Testing Cognitive Dissonance-Inducing Interventions to Reduce the Commission of Dangerous Driving Violations on the Road
- Elliott, Mark (Principal Investigator)
- ESRC Funded Studentship
- 21-Jan-2015 - 01-Jan-2020
- Challenging Hidden Barriers in the Workplace
- Kelly, Stephen (Principal Investigator) Elliott, Mark (Co-investigator)
- Challenging hidden behaviour in the workplace
- 01-Jan-2014 - 31-Jan-2017