Dr Rosanne English

Senior Teaching Fellow

Computer and Information Sciences


Personal statement

I am a Senior Teaching Fellow in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences. My job focuses on teaching and learning in computer science, in particular my role currently involves the development and delivery of departmental strategy relating to learning and teaching, leadership of teaching committee, and cyber security teaching. In teaching computer science my primary goal is to develop students' ability to be computational thinkers. I believe this can be achieved by encouraging deep learning of the subject material and developing students as independent learners. To help develop students as independent learners I adopt a student-centred approach. To achieve this I use a number of mechanisms. One example is "interactive windows" as defined by Huxham (2005) where at most 10 minutes of content is delivered followed by activities such as paired discussions, problem solving, and quiz questions. As well as my day to day teaching and learning activities, I am also interested in the pedagogy of computer science. I am eager to explore how we can achieve more effective and efficient assessment and feedback and my work has covered aspects such as blended learning, plagiarism and continuous assessment.

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Using an active learning practice in cyber security to enculturate postgraduate learners
English Rosanne, Maguire Joseph
8th Conference on Computing Education Practice, CEP 2024 (2024)
Designing and developing a scenario-based curriculum for cyber education in HE
English Rosanne
Cybersecurity Teaching in Higher Education (2023) (2023)
Engaging students in threat thinking with the cyber security cinema
Maguire Joseph, English Rosanne, Draper Steve
CEP '23 Computing Education Practice 2023 Computing Education Practice, pp. 13-16 (2023)
Exploring student perceptions and expectations of cyber security
English Rosanne, Maguire Joseph
CEP '23 Computing Education Practice 2023 ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 25-28 (2023)
Research-led active learning sessions in cyber security through research paper reading
Maguire Joseph, English Rosanne, Draper Steve
CEP '23 7th Conference on Computing Education Practice, CEP 2023 ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 33-36 (2023)
Towards integrated graduate skills for UK computing science students
English Rosanne, Hayes Alan
Proceedings of the United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Conference UKICER 2022 (2022) (2022)

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Professional Activities

Flipping the Classroom - Where to Start?
Designing MCQs to Assess Higher Order thinking skills
SIGCSE Virtual 2024 (Event)
Peer reviewer
SIGCSE Technical Symposium (Event)
Peer reviewer
United Kingdom Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education (ACM UK SIGCSE) (External organisation)
UK and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference 2024 (Event)
Peer reviewer

More professional activities


Inclusive Education for Learners Returning to HE
English, Rosanne (Principal Investigator)
This project is the result of the e3 Tech Grant awarded by Echo360. In it, we are exploring the use of echo learning software to support students from a range of backgrounds in reacclimatising to higher education.
The Impact of Dyslexia on Learning to Program
English, Rosanne (Principal Investigator) Weir, Catriona (Post Grad Student)
A Success Infrastructure for a Diverse Student Community
Willison, Debra (Principal Investigator) English, Rosanne (Principal Investigator)
QAA funded research project for 2 student interns (£1000)
03-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2022

More projects

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Dr Rosanne English
Senior Teaching Fellow
Computer and Information Sciences

Email: rosanne.english@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4301