Dr Kellyanne Findlay

Senior Teaching Fellow



Personal statement

I joined the University of Strathclyde in 2003. My background is in vision science and this is reflected in my teaching and research.

I have been Deputy Head of School of Psychological Sciences and Health since August 2021.

I formed the Pedagogy and Scholarship group in the School of Psychological Sciences and Health in 2019 and continue to chair this group.

From 2016-2022, I was the Course Leader for the MSc Psychology with a Specialisation in Business or Health conversion course.


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Prize And Awards

Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

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Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (BPS) since 2011

Associate Fellow of the BPS since 2012.

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since March 2019

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2012

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My main teaching interest relates to my background in vision science: visual perception and the visual system.

Visual system: I teach undergraduate and postgraduate students how information is processed from eye through to brain, indicating how and when these processes sometimes fail. As well as the mechanics of the visual system, I teach visual perception, including the development of visual perception in human infants. 

As well as teaching related to the visual system and visual perception, my teaching in the area of biological psychology includes sex and gender. This includes an overview of animal and human studies and a critical evaluation of the evidence for biological differences as the basis for behavioural gender differences.

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Research Interests

My pedagogical research interests include;

  • best practise in online teaching and assessment;
  • use of technology in teaching, e.g. effectiveness of polling apps in teaching;
  • students' perceptions of success/failure;
  • the impact of fear of failure / attitudes towards failure on student outcomes.

My discipline-specific research focusses on depth perception, specifically binocular (stereoscopic) depth perception, and the functional impact of poor or absent stereoscopic depth perception.

Professional Activities

From School and College to University: Contemporary Issues in Teaching Psychology
British Psychological Society Scottish Branch 2023 Postgraduate Conference
National Teaching Repository (Publisher)
Peer reviewer
American Psychological Association (External organisation)
Vevox Pedagogy Series
CPD in PSH: Developing and applying skills in psychological science across health, social care and industry

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Dr Kellyanne Findlay
Senior Teaching Fellow

Email: kellyanne.findlay@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4755