Professor Anthony Gachagan

Head Of Department

Electronic and Electrical Engineering


Personal statement

Prof Gachagan has been Director of the Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering (CUE) since October 2010. This research Centre comprises approximately 55 staff and students and has a current funding portfolio of in excess of £5M. Prof Gachagan has line management responsibilities for all CUE personnel, reporting directly to the Departmental Head of Department. Interestingly, the research portfolio within CUE is diverse, with Electronic and Mechanical Engineers, Physicists, Mathematicians, Polymer Scientists and Biologists involved in the research teams. The research portfolio of the Centre has expanded in recent years, with robotics, metrology, bioacoustics and high power ultrasound building on the traditional fields of NDE and Sonar. Prof Gachagan has been directly involved in all of these areas and it is his interest in a broad, diverse range of scientific and engineering topics coupled with his strategic leadership that has seen CUE strengthen in terms of international profile, industrial engagement and funding profile.

Prof Gachagan is the Academic Chair and a member of the Management Board of RCNDE. He is also a member of both the Technical and Scottish Branch Committees of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT). Within Strathclyde, he is the Deputy Head of Department for EEE, EEE Research Director and sits on the departmental Departmental Strategy Advisory Group and Departmental Executive Team.


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Area of Expertise

  • Ultrasonic transducer and transducer array design
  • Application of ultrasonic monitoring techniques to NDE, Sonar, Industrial Process Control
  • Design of bespoke high power ultrasound reactors
  • Application of high power ultrasound in Sonochemistry
  • Array signal processing
  • Air-coupled NDE
  • Robotics and Automation

Prize And Awards

The BINDT Annual Conference Award

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  • PG Cert in Advanced Academic Studies, Strathclyde, 2009
  • PhD entitled "An evaluation of 1-3 connectivity compoiste transducers for air-coupled ultrasonic applications", Strathclyde, 1996
  • BSc Electronic and Microprocessor Engineering, Strathclyde, 1985
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Application of Golay-based total focusing method using a high-frequency, lead-free, flexible ultrasonic array for inspection of thick non-planar industrial components
Germano Elmergue, Tabatabaeipour Morteza, Mohseni Ehsan, Lines David, MacLeod Charles N, Lam Kwok-Ho, Hughes David, Trodden Heather, Gachagan Anthony
NDT and E International Vol 150 (2024)
Interpass peening impact on residual stress in wire-arc additive manufactured Ti 6Al-4V using phased-array ultrasonic testing
Walker Joseph, Mills Brandon, Javadi Yashar, Sun Yongle, Taraphdar Pradeeptta Kumar, Sillars Fiona, MacLeod Charles Norman, Gachagan Anthony, Pierce Gareth
ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing 2024
Mitigating RGB-D camera errors for robust ultrasonic inspections using a force-torque sensor
Tabatabaeipour Morteza, Jackson William, Gilmour Adam, Zhang Dayi, Poole Alastair, Tzaferis Konstantinos, Dobie Gordon, Gachagan Anthony
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (2024)
Inspection of wind turbine bolted connections using the Ultrasonic Phased Array system
Mills Brandon, Javadi Yashar, Abad Farhad, Lotfian Saeid, MacLeod Charles, Mehmanparast Ali, Pierce Gareth, Gachagan Anthony
Heliyon Vol 10 (2024)
Enhancing additive friction stir deposition through comprehensive ultrasonic defect detection and process optimisation
Germano Elmergue, Walker Joseph, Mills Brandon, Javadi Yashar, Buffa Gianluca, MacLeod Charles Norman, Gachagan Anthony, Pierce Gareth, Mineo Carmelo, Tamimi Saeed, Mohseni Ehsan, Lam Kwok Ho
Online evolution of a phased array for ultrasonic imaging by a novel adaptive data acquisition method
Lukacs Peter, Stratoudaki Theodosia, Davis Geo, Gachagan Anthony
Scientific Reports Vol 14 (2024)

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Prof Gachagan is involved with the delivery of Analogue Electronics modules to 3rd (EE315) and 4th (EE468) year EEE/CES/EME students. These modules focus on amplifier design using transistors and cover amplifier design, biaising considerations, frequency response and noise characteristics. In addition, he delivers a Project Management module (EE318) to 3rd year EEE/CES students.

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Research Interests

Prof Anthony Gachagan's specific research interests encompass ultrasonic transducers and arrays, power ultrasound, robotics and automation, industrial process control, bioacoustics, thermosonics and the application of coded excitation techniques. His research activities involve both national and international collaboration with academia and industry. His research activities encompass the following thematic sectors:

  • Non-Destructive Evaluation and Condition Monitoring
  • Sensors for Process Control
  • Health Technologies
  • Process Intensification
  • Pressure Field Mapping
  • Ultrasonic Transduction

Professional Activities

Using In-Process NDE Inspection to Qualify WAAM Builds: Working towards Qualification for Different NDE Modalities
Towards Flexible and Automated Robotic Multi-Pass Arc Welding
Flexible Robotics to Inspect Aerospace Components​
Automated Inspection Research Developments for Full Lifecycle Inspection
Developments of in-process NDE techniques for Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture at University of Strathclyde
A novel signal processing technique to remove electrical interference from ultrasonic RF A-scans

More professional activities


Fusing a future from Glasgow’s proud heritage: Schedule Guaranteed High-Integrity Structures for a Secure, Safe and Resilient Transition to Net Zero (Innovation Accelerator)
MacLeod, Charles Norman (Principal Investigator) Dobie, Gordon (Co-investigator) Fitzpatrick, Stephen (Co-investigator) Gachagan, Anthony (Co-investigator) Javadi, Yashar (Co-investigator) Mohseni, Ehsan (Co-investigator) Pierce, Gareth (Co-investigator) Stratoudaki, Theodosia (Co-investigator) Tant, Katherine Margaret Mary (Co-investigator) Wathavana Vithanage, Randika Kosala (Co-investigator)
01-Apr-2023 - 31-Mar-2025
Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) ‎- Bridging the Gaps (BTG) – Net Zero / Circular Economy
Javadi, Yashar (Principal Investigator) Lotfian, Saeid (Co-investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Co-investigator) Mehmanparast, Ali (Co-investigator) Pierce, Gareth (Co-investigator) Brennan, Feargal (Co-investigator) Gachagan, Anthony (Co-investigator)
In-situ Robotic and Ultrasonic Stress Measurement for Predictive ‎Maintenance of Offshore Wind Bolted Flange Connections
01-Sep-2022 - 01-Mar-2023
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Ultrasonic Engineering (FUSE) | Germano, Elmergue
Gachagan, Anthony (Principal Investigator) Mohseni, Ehsan (Co-investigator) Germano, Elmergue (Research Co-investigator)
13-Sep-2021 - 13-Sep-2025
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)-New Organisation Engagement
Mohseni, Ehsan (Principal Investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Co-investigator) Pierce, Gareth (Co-investigator) Gachagan, Anthony (Co-investigator)
"Automated non-destructive testing of high value additive manufactured components": The IAA application is geared towards how to commercialise the in-process NDT technology (ultrasonic and electromagnetic approaches).
01-Mar-2021 - 30-Nov-2021
BH As-Clad Bond Integrity V1
MacLeod, Charles Norman (Principal Investigator) Gachagan, Anthony (Co-investigator) Javadi, Yashar (Co-investigator) Lines, David (Co-investigator) Mohseni, Ehsan (Co-investigator) Pierce, Gareth (Co-investigator) Wathavana Vithanage, Randika Kosala (Co-investigator)
02-Nov-2020 - 01-May-2022
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) funding
Qiu, Zhen (Principal Investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Academic) O'Leary, Richard (Academic) Gachagan, Anthony (Principal Investigator) Stevenson, Tim (Principal Investigator)
High Temperature Ultrasonic Imaging Transducer for In-Process Inspection
15-Apr-2020 - 15-Apr-2021

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Professor Anthony Gachagan
Head Of Department
Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Tel: 548 2535