Professor Spiros Gounaris
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Area of Expertise
- Quantitative data analysis
- Hierarchical Linear Modeling
- Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
- Strategic Marketing
- Marketing Management
Prize And Awards
- OutStanding Doctoral Research Award for 2014
- Recipient
- 2015
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- Hospitality servicescape effects on customer-employee interactions : a multilevel study
- Kaminakis Kostas, Karadinou Kalipso, Koritos Christos, Gounaris Spiros
- Tourism Management Vol 72, pp. 130-144 (2019)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2018.11.013
- How does past and present customer experience explain the satisfaction with the supplier? A fuzzy set qualitative comparative approach
- Almoraish Ahmed, Gounaris Spiros
- European Marketing Academic Annual Conference: EMAC 2018 (2018)
- Internal market orientation determinants of employee brand enactment
- Boukis Achilleas, Gounaris Spiros, Lings Ian
- Journal of Services Marketing Vol 31, pp. 690-703 (2017)
- https://doi.org/10.1108/JSM-07-2016-0272
- Unfolding the recipes for conflict resolution during the new service development effort
- Gounaris Spiros, Chatzipanagiotou Kalliopi, Boukis Achilleas, Perks Helen
- Journal of Business Research Vol 69, pp. 4042–4055 (2016)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.03.046
- Linking key account management practices to performance outcomes
- Tzempelikos Nektarios, Gounaris Spiros
- Industrial Marketing Management Vol 45, pp. 22-34 (2015)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.02.018
- Export to expand : a conceptual examination of branding as a deterministic parameter in export performance
- Pyper Keith Lawrie, Gounaris Spiros, Doherty Anne Marie
- Academy of Marketing (AM) 2015 Conference Proceedings 48th Academy of Marketing Conference (2015)
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Strategic Marketing in an International Context
Customer Management
B2B and Key Account Management
Services Marketing
Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
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Research Interests
Services Marketing, Innovation, Sales and Key Account Management, International Brand Management, Pricing, Relationship Marketing and B2B
Professional Activities
- European Marketing Academy (External organisation)
- Member
- 2016
- 43rd EMAC Annual Conference
- Chair
- 9/2013
- University of Valencia
- Visiting researcher
- 11/3/2014
- Journal of Service Research (Journal)
- Editorial board member
- 2009
- Industrial Marketing Management (Journal)
- Editorial board member
- 2007
- European Marketing Academy Regional Conference
- Participant
- 28/9/2023
- Less Job-Stress for More Money? Can a Balanced Approach to Family-Work Life Make It Happen? (Major Research Fellowship)
- Gounaris, Spiros (Principal Investigator)
- 24-Jan-2023 - 23-Jan-2026
- Consultancy Project - Care Sector
- McAlinden, Thomas (Co-investigator) Gounaris, Spiros (Principal Investigator)
- Consultancy Project with colleague - Professor Spiros Gounaris
- 15-Jan-2018 - 15-Jan-2019
- TIC LCPE: Building Data Analytics Capacity (Bilateral) (Data-01)
- Gounaris, Spiros (Principal Investigator) Das, Ranjit (Co-investigator)
- 15-Jan-2018 - 27-Jan-2018
- Employee Family Work Balance and Company Performance: Irreconcilable or Complementary
- Karampela, Maria (Co-investigator) Gounaris, Spiros (Principal Investigator) Jafari, Aliakbar (Co-investigator)
- Funding application to ESRC
- 01-Jan-2016 - 31-Jan-2019
- Not a pint sized industry anymore: Supporting Scottish small-medium sized breweries reach international markets (Knowledge Exchange Event)
- Karampela, Maria (Principal Investigator) Gounaris, Spiros (Academic) Waehning, Nadine (Academic)
- 04-Jan-2016 - 04-Jan-2016
- Scottish ESRC Doctoral Training Centre DTG 2011 | Pyper, Keith
- Gounaris, Spiros (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Alan (Co-investigator) Pyper, Keith (Research Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2013 - 11-Jan-2018