Dr Michael Grant

Senior Teaching Fellow



Personal statement

Dr Michael Grant has been a member of the Department of Architecture since 1986. He initially held a post as a research fellow before being appointed to lecturer in 1989, senior lecturer in 2005 and he also held the position of Head of Department.

His research interests relate to the application of the Information Technologies to design problems in spaces, buildings and cities. He is the author of some 40 publications in books, journals, conference proceedings and technical reports and has been the recipient of research funding totalling £486,000 as the principal investigator and £1,886,000 as co-investigator.  His personal expertise relates to visual computing which translates to the development of generic 3D applications that have formed the basis of long standing research themes in urban modelling and virtual reality investigations into the performance of our built environment.

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Challenges and solution of BIM integrated architectural education towards construction for excellence
ZAED Ozaer Zaed G, Chen Zhen, Grant Michael, Dimitrijevic Branka
5th CU Construction Conference 2021 Exploring Contemporary Issues and Challenges in the Construction Industry (2021) (2021)
An evaluation methodology for crowdsourced design
Wu Hao, Corney Jonathan, Grant Michael
Advanced Engineering Informatics Vol 29, pp. 775-786 (2015)
Crowdsourcing measures of design quality
Wu Hao, Corney Jonathan, Grant Peter
ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference ASME 2014 International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (2014)
Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Malaysian architecture industry
Mohd-Nor M F I, Grant Michael P
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development Vol 10, pp. 264-273 (2014)
Relationship between quality and payment in crowdsourced design
Wu Hao, Corney Jonathan, Grant Michael
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) , pp. 499-504 (2014)
The development of digital architecture modeling in the Malaysian architecture industry
Grant Michael P, Mohd-Nor M F I
Recent Advances in Computer Engineering, Communications and Information Technology 8th WSEAS International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA2014), pp. 77-84 (2014)

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Dr Michael Grant
Senior Teaching Fellow

Email: p.m.grant@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3996