Professor Trish Hafford-Letchfield

Social Work and Social Policy


Personal statement

I am a qualified nurse and social worker with 18 years practice experience in social work, the latter 10 of which I managed statutory social work services for adults, in England. I have held many roles in relation to Third Sector governance.  My research interests lie in the experiences of ageing in marginalised communities and most of my research is applied and co-produced with people with lived experience. Prior to joining Strathclyde, I was Professor of Social Care at Middlesex University, London where I worked for 11 years.

My doctorate studies were in educational gerontology exploring the role of lifelong learning in care services. I have a strong interest in the rights of LGBT+ communities and I am a founder member of the international LGBTQI social work network. In relation to learning and teaching I have over 150 publications including 20 key books covering a range of topics on leadership, management, organisational development, feminism, sexual and gender identities, values and ethics, gerontology, social work supervision. I have also published widely in other areas such as the use of the arts in professional education, parenting, ageing and disability. 

I was Head of Department for Social Work and Social Policy Jan 2020-Dec 2023 (role-share).

I have been involved in funded research and knowledge exchange by NIHR SSCR; DHSC England; British Academy; IASSW; Comic Relief; EU Cost Action; EU Erasmus Plus, Chief Scientist Office NHS Scotland, Skills for Care and UNITE.

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Sexual health and wellbeing and the menopause : An EMAS clinical guide
Paschou Stavroula A, Athanasiadou Kleoniki I, Hafford-Letchfield Trish, Hinchliff Sharron, Mauskar Melissa, Rees Margaret, Simon James A, Armeni Eleni, Erel C Tamer, Fistonic Ivan, Hillard Timothy, Hirschberg Angelica Lindén, Meczekalski Blazej, Mendoza Nicolás, Mueck Alfred O, Simoncini Tommaso, Stute Petra, van Dijken Dorenda, Lambrinoudaki Irene
Maturitas Vol 189 (2024)
Suicidal thoughts in Later Life : an educational digital resource
Hafford-Letchfield Trish, Karastoyanova-Gibson Konstantina, Summerskill Clare, Cleary Connor, Rasmussen Susan, Sledmere Maria
Turning to the Wall : An educational digital resource
Hafford-Letchfield Trish, Karastoyanova-Gibson Konstantina, Summerskill Clare, Cleary Connor, Rasmussen Susan, Sledmere Maria
Bereavement by Suicide in Later Life : an educational digital resource
Hafford-Letchfield Trish, Karastoyanova-Gibson Konstantina, Summerskill Clare, Cleary Connor, Rasmussen Susan, Sledmere Maria
Older LGBTQ+ people and the equality/human rights implications of inequalities in older age health/social care provision
Hafford-Letchfield Trish, Cocker Christine
Research Handbook on Law, Society and Ageing (2024) (2024)
Not in the family : trans people’s experiences of family relationships and the implications for support in later life
Hafford-Letchfield Trish, Cocker Christine, McCormack Keira, Manning Rebecca
Trans and Gender Diverse Ageing in Care Contexts Research into Practice (2024) (2024)

More publications

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Professional Activities

20th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour
Gender, Work and Organisations
El Suicidio en la Tercera Edad
University of Buenos Aires
Visiting researcher
Older People Suicide Prevention Workshop
Bereavement by Suicide in Later Life

More professional activities


Suicide prevention in later life
Hafford-Letchfield, Trish (Co-investigator) Karastoyanova-Gibson, Konstantina (Co-investigator) Rasmussen, Susan (Co-investigator) Sledmere, Maria (Co-investigator)
01-Apr-2023 - 31-Mar-2028
Student Drug Use Literature Review
Hafford-Letchfield, Trish (Principal Investigator)
28-Mar-2022 - 19-Sep-2022
Understanding and reducing the psychosocial impact of Coronavirus social distancing and behavioural changes on families of care home residents in Scotland
Quinn, Neil (Principal Investigator) Hafford-Letchfield, Trish (Co-investigator)
01-May-2020 - 31-Oct-2020
Best Practices for Care and Wellbeing Education to support the needs of LGBT people as they age (BEING ME)
Hafford-Letchfield, Trish (Principal Investigator)
01-Sep-2019 - 31-Mar-2020

More projects

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Professor Trish Hafford-Letchfield
Social Work and Social Policy

Tel: 444 8656