Professor Kathy Hamilton



Personal statement

I joined the University of Strathclyde in 2006. I’m currently a Professor in the Department of Marketing. I am also Associate Director (challenge pathways and postdoctoral fellows) with the Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences (SGSSS). 


I predominantly teach on consumer behaviour classes. This is reflective of my research interests in the area of "Consumption, Markets and Society.” 


I am co-chair of the Consumer Research with Impact for Society (CRIS) Special Interest Group within the Academy of Marketing. I am also part of the organising committee for the biennial Interpretive Consumer Research (ICR) seminars (part of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management).

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Area of Expertise

  • Consumer Culture
  • Consumer Vulnerability
  • Therapautic Consumption/Therapeutic Servicescapes
  • Consumer Poverty
  • Consumer research with impact for society
  • Consumer-driven memorialization

Prize And Awards

AMS Review - Sheth Foundation 2023 Doctoral Competition for Conceptual Articles (DoCCA)

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I teach classes related to consumer behaviour and qualitative methods at UG, Honours and Masters level. I have received regular nominations for the Strathclyde Teaching Excellence Awards. I am also a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

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Research Interests

My research falls at the intersection of Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) and Transformative Consumer Research (TCR). The CCT perspective guides my theoretical contributions in terms of how market-mediated contemporary culture impacts consumers, institutions and society at large. The TCR perspective is more impact oriented and is a movement that encourages research that benefits well-being and quality of life within the context of consumer culture.

I have a longstanding interest in consumer vulnerability and how various contexts, such as poverty, transform market interactions. Some of my central research themes have been gender and family dynamics of poverty, therapeutic consumption, coping with vulnerability and marketplace stigma. I co-hosted an ESRC seminar series on the theme of consumer vulnerability with Dr Susan Dunnett (University of Edinburgh) and Prof Maria Piacentini (Lancaster University) and have published an edited book (2016) entitled "Consumer Vulnerability: Conditions, Contexts and Characteristics" as part of the Routledge Studies in Critical Marketing Series. 

More recently, I was Principle Investigator for an interdisciplinary project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, on transformative servicescapes and consumer vulnerability that focuses on how public service spaces can ameliorate vulnerability in relation to community cohesion, social mobility and social and digital inclusion. I am also one of the programme leads for a project funded by the Scottish Universities Insight Institute on “Consumer resilience and coping strategies during the cost-of-living crisis: What consumers can do and where stakeholder interventions are needed” (with Prof Thomas Boysen Anker, University of Dundee).

My work has been published in journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, European Journal of Marketing, Sociology, Annals of Tourism Research, and Journal of Marketing Management. 

Professional Activities

2014 ESRC Festival of Social Science
Gender, Markets, and Consumers Conference
12th EIASM Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research
Transformative Consumer Research Dialogical Conference 2023
To be assigned
Cost-of-Living Stakeholder Symposium
Introducing an Ethics of Collective Academic Care
Keynote speaker

More professional activities


30 years of Transformation
Hamilton, Kathy (Principal Investigator) Porteous, Holly (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator)
This zoom event focused on sharing research findings and discussing the wider impact of the research in an informal and non-academic setting. Coinciding with our case organization’s 30th anniversary, the event will celebrate 30 years of transforming lives and look ahead to the next decade.
17-Jan-2022 - 17-Jan-2022
Meet the Researchers
Hamilton, Kathy (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator) Porteous, Holly (Principal Investigator)
Running over several sessions, this is an open-invite for anyone interested in the project to drop in to the exhibition to ask questions, or hear more about the findings.
- Wednesday 2nd March, 2pm to 4pm
- Thursday 10th March, 5pm to 7pm
- Saturday 19th March, 1pm to 3pm
- Friday 25th March, 10am to 12pm
02-Jan-2022 - 25-Jan-2022
Hamilton, Kathy (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator) Porteous, Holly (Principal Investigator)
Transformations is an art and audio-visual exhibition that ran in Glasgow Women’s Library (GWL) from 1st March to 15th April 2022. The exhibition is supported by funding from the Marketing Trust and Academy of Marketing. The exhibition features:
- a collection of risograph prints that were created during our Arts-based Research. The prints depict personal expressions of what difference GWL has made to women’s lives.
- A series of illustrations that combine the words of some of our interview participants with artwork commission from Jules Scheele.
- An audio-visual presentation that uses the research findings as a knowledge base to inform recommendations on inclusive services and spaces.
This event is aimed at anyone who is interested in GWL’s work, as well as anyone looking to find inspiration on how to be more inclusive in their own organisation.
01-Jan-2022 - 15-Jan-2022
Age-Friendly Servicescapes: Building Inclusive Markets for Older Consumers
Hamilton, Kathy (Principal Investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2022
Transformative Servicescapes and consumer vulnerability
Hamilton, Kathy (Principal Investigator) Edwards, Sarah (Co-investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Co-investigator) Porteous, Holly (Researcher)
01-Jan-2020 - 31-Jan-2022
How Can We Theorise With Social Impact Organisations?
Hamilton, Kathy (Co-investigator)
Transformative Consumer Research Project Funding of $3663, in collaboration with Agnes Nairn, University of Bristol; Susan Dunnett, University of Edinburgh Business School; Maria Piacentini, Lancaster University Management School; Emma Banister, Alliance Manchester Business School; Helene Gorge, University of Lille; Carol Scarborough, Rutgers School of Business
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2020

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Professor Kathy Hamilton

Tel: 548 3240