Dr Michael Harker




Personal statement

I joined Strathclyde in 2004 after some years in London.

I have two main themes in my research activity. The first of these concerns the relationships between organisations and consumers and how they learn about each other as these relationships are initiated, developed and maintained - but also how and why they end. These are issues that concern all of us. It is far more likely than not that you will be transferring vast amounts of personal information to private enterprises via your 'loyalty cards' and/or your social media activities. A recent focus in my research has been to try and draw connections between concepts and theory in relationally based marketing and elements of human resource management - to better comprehend the humans in these relationships inside and outside the organisation.

The second theme is research into the who, what, how and why of business education with a particular focus on marketing. I recently completed a nationwide project with the support of the Higher Education Academy on current undergraduate teaching provision at British universities.

If my name is familiar to you, it is most likely as one of the names from the cover of our best-selling textbook - 'Marketing: An Introduction'. The third edition of this will appear in Spring 2015.

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Area of Expertise

Loyalty schemes

Relationship management

Digital and social media marketing

Curriculum design


Prize And Awards

Nominated - Teaching Excellence Awards
Nominated - Teaching Excellence Awards
Nominated - Teaching Excellence Awards
Nominated - Teaching Excellence Awards
Teaching Excellence Award - Best Teacher - Business School
Shortlisted - Best Teacher at Business School

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The marketing curriculum
Harker Michael John, Paddison Andrew
Teaching Marketing (2021) (2021)
Signature Pedagogies in marketing
Paddison Andrew, Harker Michael, Gill-Simmen Lucy, Kelley Neil
52nd Academy of Marketing Conference (2019)
Marketing : An Introduction
Armstrong Gary, Kotler Philip, Harker Michael, Brennan Ross
International market entry mode : a systematic literature review
Schellenberg Michael, Harker Michael, Jafari Aliakbar
Journal of Strategic Marketing Vol 26, pp. 601-627 (2018)
Appraising research methods training for marketing
Gibbs Juliette, Harker Michael, Murdy Samantha, Evanschitzky Heiner, Stringfellow Lindsay
51st Academy of Marketing Conference (2018)
Appraising research methods for training for marketing
Harker Michael, Wilson Juliette, Murdy Samantha, Evanschitzky Heiner, Stringfellow Lindsay
EMAC 2018 (2018)

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I am the class leader for MK111: Introduction to Marketing. This is the introductory class in marketing taken by a very high proportion of students in their first year at Strathclyde Business School. Given the size of the class, about one in eight of all undergraduate students at the institution are either in that class or have been in previous years.

I also make teaching contributions on more specialised subjects - especially digital marketing and social media - on both undergraduate and postgraduate classes.

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Professional Activities

Senate Appeals Committee (Event)
University Senate (Event)
External Examiner - University of Hertfordshire
External Examiner
Marketing Intelligence and Planning (Journal)
External Examiner - UG Marketing Component- Nottingham Trent University
External Examiner
Academy of Marketing Conference

More professional activities


Effective use of digital technologies and pedagogies to support marketing education: An evidence based case study of current 3rd year Marketing Students and their experience of online/hybrid learning 2020-2023.
Fisher, Michelle (Principal Investigator) Harker, Michael John (Co-investigator) McKee, Elizabeth (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2024
Investigating Smartphone App SMEs
Harker, Michael John (Principal Investigator) Zhang, Ying (Co-investigator)
The creation and marketing of software applications for smartphones – Apps – is an already significant element of the modern digitalised and services based economy. The small size and temporally amorphous nature of such companies, twinned with little to no sector wide organising and representing organisation means that the working practices of these SMEs is concealed. This multi-disciplinary project would seek to gain insight into the three main aspects of their operations and aspects of work.

1. The development and improvement of technical, coding related skills and knowledge
2. The development and improvement of internal management/Human Resources skills and knowledge
3. The development and improvement of market facing skills and knowledge
15-Jan-2023 - 13-Jan-2024
Exploring Signature Pedagogies in Marketing
Paddison, Andrew (Principal Investigator) Harker, Michael John (Co-investigator) Gill-Simmen, Lucy (Co-investigator) Kelley, Neil (Co-investigator)
This project will explore signature pedagogies (SPs) within marketing. Shulman (2005) defined SPs as characterising teaching forms distinct to that discipline with Abel (2009) viewing them as the means through which the text, thought and practice of the respective profession is conveyed. As such, SPs hinge on how disciplinary knowledge translates into professional education.

In seeking to understand this, the interplay across teaching forms that are emblematic of marketing together with the professional preparedness that is integral to this will be explored through interviewing marketing academics. Significantly, this will involve two stages. Firstly, the current situation, as understood by the interviewees, will be explored with this progressing thereafter to exploring amongst these interviewees how SPs could be advanced. The second stage will entail focus groups amongst marketing academics that unpacks their thoughts on the emergent findings with this incorporating pointers for future SP practice within marketing.
15-Jan-2018 - 01-Jan-2019
External Examining for Marketing
Harker, Michael John (Principal Investigator) Murdy, Samantha (Co-investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Co-investigator) Brennan, Ross (Co-investigator) Ward, Janet (Co-investigator)
This project is collecting and disseminating views on the processes and practices of programme external examination for marketing programmes at UK institutions.
14-Jan-2017 - 16-Jan-2018
Postgraduate Research Methods Training for Marketing
Harker, Michael John (Co-investigator) Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator) Murdy, Samantha (Principal Investigator) Evanschitzky, Heiner (Co-investigator) Stringfellow, Lyndsey (Co-investigator)
This project is examining the past and present of research methods training for postgraduate research students in marketing in respect of historical and current trends and provision of training within doctoral programmes.
07-Jan-2017 - 16-Jan-2018
Undergraduate Marketing Education in the UK
Harker, Michael John (Principal Investigator)
07-Jan-2013 - 31-Jan-2013

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Dr Michael Harker

Email: michael.harker@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3242