Dr Johannes Herrnsdorf

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Photonics


Personal statement

Dr. Johannes Herrnsdorf is a research associate at the Institute of Photonics. His main interests are the exploration of the physics of gallium nitride micro-LEDs and their development towards a wide range of applications including communications and imaging.

His research has equipped him with a broad background in semiconductor-based photonics, including solution processible organic and inorganic materials for colour conversion and lasers, and semiconductor devices for operation from the ultra-violet through to the near infrared wavelengths. He currently focusses on structured digital illumination, which is scalable from microscopic through to kilometre ranges, and on the few-photon operation of LED-enabled optical links. Dr Herrnsdorf has been awarded an EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellowship to support his work on structured illumination and digital lighting at the few-photon level.

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Simultaneous data display and environment sensing with a MicroLED display
Gray JA, McKendry JJD, Henderson RK, Strain MJ, Dawson MD, Herrnsdorf J
2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) IEEE Photonics Conference 2024 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp. 1-2 (2024)
235 nm and 255 nm LEDs for 10’s to 100’s Mbps UV-C communications up to 15 meters
Zimi H, McKendry JJD, Babadi S, Majlesein B, Herrnsdorf J, Haas H, Dawson MD
2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) IEEE Photonics Conference 2024 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp. 1-2 (2024)
Beyond 10 Gigabit/s visible light communication using micro-light-emitting diodes and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
McKendry Jonathan JD, Chen Cheng, MacLure Daniel, Hill Jordan, Xie Enyuan, Tavakkolnia Iman, Herrnsdorf Johannes, Haas Harald, Dawson Martin D
IET Conference Proceedings Vol 2023, pp. 1760-1763 (2024)
High speed single pixel imaging using a MicroLED-on-CMOS light projector
Johnstone G E, Gray J, Bennett S, Johnson S D, Higham C F, Dehkhoda F, Xie E, Herrnsdorf J, Murray P, Padgett M J, Murray-Smith  R, Henderson R K, Dawson M D, Strain M J
Optics Express Vol 32, pp. 24615-24628 (2024)
GaN-based series hybrid LED array : a dual-function light source with illumination and high-speed visible light communication capabilities
Xie Enyuan, Cheng Chen, Ouyang Chengsui, Hill Jordan, McKendry Jonathan JD, Zhang Yanchao, Gu Erdan, Herrnsdorf Johannes, Haas Harald, Dawson Martin D
Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol 42, pp. 243-250 (2024)
Deep ultraviolet CMOS-controlled micro light-emitting diode array
McKendry Jonathan JD, Xie Enyuan, Hill Jordan, Zimi Hichem, Herrnsdorf Johannes, Gu Erdan, Henderson Robert K, Dawson Martin D
IEEE Photonics Journal Vol 15, pp. 1-6 (2023)

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Professional Activities

SCDT proposal development
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2022
Recent developments in gallium nitride micro-light-emitting diode structured light sources
Integration of an LED/SPAD Optical Wireless Transceiver with CubeSat On-board Systems
Combined Time of Flight and Photometric Stereo Imaging for Surface Reconstruction
Micro-LEDs for technological convergence between displays, optical communications, and sensing and imaging systems

More professional activities


TITAN Extension. Integration of high-speed micro-LED transmitters with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (micro-LED RIS)
Herrnsdorf, Johannes (Principal Investigator) Dawson, Martin (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
plaTform drIving The ultimAte coNnectivity (TITAN) (Future Communications Systems Hub)
Haas, Harald (Principal Investigator) Dawson, Martin (Co-investigator) Herrnsdorf, Johannes (Co-investigator) Tavakkolnia, Iman (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2026
Structured light projection for FLIM in scattering environments (QUANTIC)
Strain, Michael (Principal Investigator) Dawson, Martin (Co-investigator) Herrnsdorf, Johannes (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2024
MicroLED Communications for High Altitude Pseudo Satellites
Herrnsdorf, Johannes (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 28-Jan-2025
HYDRI - HYDrogen sensoR for Industry
Herrnsdorf, Johannes (Principal Investigator) Li, David (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2025
Doctoral Training Partnership 2020-2021 University of Strathclyde | Gray, Johnathan
Herrnsdorf, Johannes (Principal Investigator) Dawson, Martin (Co-investigator) Gray, Johnathan (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2021 - 01-Jan-2025

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Dr Johannes Herrnsdorf
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Photonics

Email: johannes.herrnsdorf@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3987