Dr Ben Hourahine

Senior Lecturer



Personal statement

I have been based in the Semiconductor Spectroscopy and Devices group in the department of Physics since 2005, moving to the CNQO group within the Optics division in 2022.

At present my research activities are in three main areas of computational and theoretical modelling: Understanding optical and electron microscopy on the micro - to nano-scale; Developing and applying semi-empirical quantum mechanical modelling tools in quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics going from the nano- to the micro-scale; Multiscale materials modelling of crystal growth and phase transitions.

I'm the director of student support for the Physics department, and also teach final year courses in advanced solid state physics and nanoscience.

| e: benjamin.hourahine@strath.ac.uk | t: 0141 548 2325 | u: cnqo.phys.strath.ac.uk |

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Area of Expertise

Theoretical solid state and condensed matter physics

Quantum chemstry and computational chemistry

High performance and accuracy Nano-Photonics and Plasmonics

Large scale density functional and density functional-based methods

Joint developer of commercialised materials science / quantum chemistry software

Extensive experience with large scale parallel computational systems - developed TIER 0 ready multi-thousand compute core codes.

Prize And Awards


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Investigation of (mis-)orientation in zincblende GaN grown on micro-patterned Si(001) using electron backscatter diffraction
Waters Dale M, Thompson Bethany, Ferenczi Gergely, Hourahine Ben, Cios Grzegorz, Winkelmann Aimo, Stark Christoph J M, Wetzel Christian, Trager-Cowan Carol, Bruckbauer Jochen
Journal of Applied Physics (2025)
Roadmap on methods and software for electronic structure based simulations in chemistry and materials
Blum Volker, Asahi Ryoji, Autschbach Jochen, Bannwarth Christoph, Bihlmayer Gustav, Blügel Stefan, Burns Lori A, Crawford T Daniel, Dawson William, de Jong Wibe Albert, Draxl Claudia, Filippi Claudia, Genovese Luigi, Giannozzi Paolo, Govind Niranjan, Hammes-Schiffer Sharon, Hammond Jeff R, Hourahine Benjamin, Jain Anubhav, Kanai Yosuke, Kent Paul R C, Larsen Ask Hjorth, Lehtola Susi, Li Xiaosong, Lindh Roland, Maeda Satoshi, Makri Nancy, Moussa Jonathan, Nakajima Takahito, Nash Jessica A, Oliveira Micael J T, Patel Pansy D, Pizzi Giovanni, Pourtois Geoffrey, Pritchard Benjamin P, Rabani Eran, Reiher Markus, Reining Lucia, Ren Xinguo, Rossi Mariana, Schlegel H Bernhard, Seriani Nicola, Slipchenko Lyudmila V, Thom Alexander, Valeev Edward F, Van Troeye Benoit, Visscher Lucas, Vlcĕk Vojtĕch, Werner Hans-Joachim, Williams-Young David B, Windus Theresa
Electronic Structure Vol 6 (2024)
Atomic scale observation of threading dislocations in α-Ga2O3
Mullen Ross, Roberts Joseph W, Chalker Paul R, Oliver Rachel A, Hourahine Ben, Massabuau Fabien CP
AIP Advances Vol 14 (2024)
Integrated workflows and interfaces for data-driven semi-empirical electronic structure calculations
Stishenko Pavel, McSloy Adam, Onat Berk, Hourahine Ben, Maurer Reinhard, Kermode James, Logsdail Andrew
Journal of Chemical Physics Vol 161 (2024)
Amber free energy tools : Interoperable software for free energy simulations using generalized quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical and machine learning potentials
Tao Yujun, Giese Timothy J, Ekesan Şölen, Zeng Jinzhe, Aradi Bálint, Hourahine Ben, Aktulga Hasan Metin, Götz Andreas W, Merz Kenneth M, York Darrin M
Journal of Chemical Physics Vol 160 (2024)
Phonon-induced band gap renormalization by dielectric dependent global hybrid density functional tight binding
van der Heide Tammo, Hourahine Ben, Aradi Bálint, Frauenheim Thomas, Niehaus Thomas A
Physical Review B (Condensed Matter) Vol 109 (2024)

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Professional Activities

Plenary talk: XVIIIth International Conference on Electron Microscopy, Zakopane, Poland, June 2024. Pushing the Limits of Diffraction Imaging in the Scanning Electron microscope for the Structural Characterisation of Semiconductor thin Films and Microstructures
Invited Talk: Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, US, December 2023. Title: Pushing the Limits of Diffraction Imaging in the Scanning Electron Microscope for the Structural Characterisation of Semiconductor Thin Films and Microstructures
Journal of Chemical Physics (Journal)
Guest editor
Journal of Chemical Physics (Journal)
Guest editor
Being slightly wrong for fun and profit: large scale semi-empirical modelling of materials
Recent DFTB+ news

More professional activities


DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Holmes, Aaron Finley
Hourahine, Ben (Principal Investigator) Trager-Cowan, Carol (Co-investigator) Holmes, Aaron Finley (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 01-Jan-2027
Deep-Learning-Enhanced quantum Chemistry: Pushing the limits of materials discovery
Hourahine, Ben (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2019
Doctoral Training Partnership 2018-19 University of Strathclyde | Starosta, Bohdan
Hourahine, Ben (Principal Investigator) Edwards, Paul (Co-investigator) Starosta, Bohdan (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2018 - 01-Jan-2022
Quantitative non-destructive nanoscale characterisation of advanced materials
Hourahine, Ben (Principal Investigator) Edwards, Paul (Co-investigator) Roper, Marc (Co-investigator) Trager-Cowan, Carol (Co-investigator) Gunasekar, Naresh (Research Co-investigator)
"To satisfy the performance requirements for near term developments in electronic and optoelectronic devices will require pioneering materials growth, device fabrication and advances in characterisation techniques. The imminent arrival of devices a few atoms thick that are based on lighter materials such as graphene or boron nitride and also advanced silicon and diamond nano-structures. These devices pose new challenges to the currently available techniques for producing and understanding the resulting devices and how they fail. Optimising the performance of such devices will require a detailed understanding of extended structural defects and their influence on the properties of technologically relevant materials. These defects include threading dislocations and grain boundaries, and are often electrically active and so are strongly detrimental to the efficiency and lifetimes of nano-scale devices (a single badly-behaved defect can cause catastrophic device failure). These defects are especially problematic for devices such as silicon solar cells, advanced ultraviolet light emitting diodes, and advanced silicon carbide and gallium nitride based high power devices (used for efficient switching of large electrical currents or for high power microwave telecoms). For graphene and similar modern 2D materials, grain boundaries have significant impact on their properties as they easily span the whole size of devices.

Resolving all of these problems requires new characterisation techniques for imaging of extended defects which are simultaneously rapid to use, are non-destructive and are structurally definitive on the nanoscale. Electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI) is an effective structural characterisation tool which allows rapid non-destructive visualisation of extended crystal defects in the scanning electron microscope. However ECCI is usually applied as a qualitative method of investigating nano-scale materials, has limitations on the smallest size features that it can resolve, and suffers from difficulties in interpreting the resulting images. This limits this technique's ability to work out the nature of defects in these advanced materials.

We will make use of new developments in energy resolving electron detectors, new advances in the modelling of electron beams with solids and the knowledge and experience of our research team and partners, to obtain a 6 fold improvement in the spatial resolution of the ECCI technique. This new energy-filtered way of making ECCI measurements will radically improve the quality of the information that can be obtained with this technique. We will couple our new capabilities to accurately measure and interpret images of defects to other advanced characterisation techniques. This will enable ECCI to be adopted as the technique of choice for non-destructive quantitative structural characterisation of defects in a wide range of important materials and provide a new technique to analyse the role of extended defects in electronic device failure."
01-Jan-2017 - 30-Jan-2021
Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP 2016-2017 University of Strathclyde) | Denholm, James
Hourahine, Ben (Principal Investigator) Henrich, Oliver (Co-investigator) Denholm, James (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2016 - 28-Jan-2020
Industrial Case Account 2014 | Pascal, Elena
Trager-Cowan, Carol (Principal Investigator) Hourahine, Ben (Co-investigator) Pascal, Elena (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2014 - 31-Jan-2019

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Dr Ben Hourahine
Senior Lecturer

Email: benjamin.hourahine@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 2325