Dr Stirling Howieson

Senior Lecturer



Personal statement

Dr Stirling Howieson's research falls into two main silos: (1) Housing and health - Since the mid 1980's his research has looked at: (a) the effect of cold indoor temperatures on excess winter deaths in Scotland (b) the effect of condensation dampness and the associated growth of mould fungal spores on occupant respiratory health (c) the role of high humidity on house dust mite colonisation and proliferation leading to a 6 fold increase in childhood asthma in Scotland over a period of 25 years (d) the role of indoor air quality (IAQ) and a variety of common in door toxic pollutants in additive, synergistic and antagonistic combination on occupant health (e) the role of domestic ventilation rates and mechanical ventilation with heat reclamation to improve indoor air quality without a significant running cost penalty. (f) the design of housing to optimise the conflict between IAQ and energy efficiency using hygroscopic materials, re-active ventilation regimes (CO2 sensors) and component modularisation with 'just in time' site delivery. (2) Exploitation of solar energy for food processing, electricity generation, water filtration and desalination, refrigeration and converting waste streams to clean burn bio-char (a) The Sunstore Powepan is a hybrid solar/biochar thermo-elctric appliance, won the Gran Prix and Gold Medal at the 2019 Geneva World Invention Exposition. It has also gained accreditation by the solar Impulse Foundation and its deployment in off-grid communities in sub-Saharan Africa is the subject of an award by Innovate UK under the Energy Catalyst 8 programme. (b) The 'Sunstore 5' under development, are a range of appliances that use solar concentration via a unique Fresnel lens design to provide clean and desalinated water, pyrolyse waste streams to bio-char and provide heat treatment for agricultural products. A ground fridge that is used in conjunction with the Powerpan can also provide vaccine storage facilities for off-grid communities.

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Professional Activities

800 more elderly Scots could die in big freeze.
Scots facing record rise in winter deaths
Scorching summer on the way so paint your house white, advises government
The Allergy House: The living room
NHS Fuel Poverty Conference
Hard-up pensioners facing deadly cold; soaring fuel prices leave the elderly vulnerable

More professional activities


Measuring the environmental and sosio-economic impact of deploying the Sunstore Powerpan in townships across South Africa
Howieson, Stirling (Principal Investigator)
This project is being supported by Innovate UK Energy Catalyst 8 grant programme and will asses the impact of deploying a solar/biochar thermo-electric hybrid food processing unit in schools and townships across South Africa.
01-Jan-2022 - 29-Jan-2024
Measuring the environmental, economic and health impacts of deploying the Sunstore Powerpan
Howieson, Stirling (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2024
Research to identify if changes to guidance in standard 3.14 ventilation in 2015 have been effective in improving ventilation and indoor air quality
Howieson, Stirling (Co-investigator) Sharpe, Tim (Principal Investigator) McGill, Grainne (Co-investigator) Toledo, Linda (Co-investigator) Tuohy, Paul Gerard (Principal Investigator)
The 2015 regulations required all new dwellings to have CO2 monitors installed to alert the occupants to poor indoor air quality that would encourage them to open windows and provide purge ventilation.
01-Jan-2021 - 01-Jan-2023
Research to identify if changes to guidance in Standard 3.14 Ventilation in 2015 have been effective in improving ventilation and indoor air quality
Sharpe, Tim (Principal Investigator) Howieson, Stirling (Co-investigator) McElroy, Lori (Co-investigator) McGill, Grainne (Co-investigator) Tuohy, Paul Gerard (Co-investigator) Toledo, Linda (Researcher)
Scottish Governement Tender response (consultancyu services)
18-Jan-2021 - 01-Jan-2024
Sunstore 6000
Howieson, Stirling (Academic)
A solar oven that serves food hot to taste 4 hours after sunset
01-Jan-2008 - 18-Jan-2013

More projects

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Dr Stirling Howieson
Senior Lecturer

Email: s.howieson@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4282