Dr Stuart Ingleby

Chancellor’S Fellow - Senior Lecturer



Personal statement

I am interested in using innovative optical magnetometry techniques to further develop practical real-world technology with a range of important applications. During the last decade, laboratory magnetometers have made magnetic measurements with sensitivities below 0.5 femtotestla (one hundred billionth of the Earth's magnetic field). My work is focussed on bringing that sensitivity out of the lab and into applications such as medical imaging, geological surveying, archaeology and security, by developing the hardware and techniques to make reliable, portable optical magnetometers. This work is funded by the UK's National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology (http://quantumsensors.org/)

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Optimizing longitudinal spin relaxation in miniaturized optically pumped magnetometers
McWilliam A P, Dyer S, Hunter D, Mrozowski M, Ingleby S J, Sharp O, Burt D P, Griffin P F, McGilligan J P, Riis E
Physical Review Applied Vol 22 (2024)
Sensitive and accurate quantum magnetometry for GNSS-denied positioning, critical national infrastructure, and magnetic anomaly detection
Ingleby Stuart, Hunter Dominic, Mrozowski Marcin, Griffin Paul, Riis Erling
Proceedings of SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol 13202 (2024)
Distributed network of optically pumped magnetometers for space weather monitoring
Mrozowski Marcin S, Bell Angus S, Griffin Paul F, Hunter Dominic, Burt David, McGilligan James P, Riis Erling, Beggan Ciarán D, Ingleby Stuart J
Scientific Reports Vol 14 (2024)
Three-axis magnetic field detection with a compact, high-bandwidth, single beam zero-field atomic magnetometer
Dawson Rach, O'Dwyer Carolyn, Mrozowski Marcin, Ingleby Stuart, Griffin Paul, Riis Erling
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol 12912 (2024)
Portable single-beam cesium zero-field magnetometer for magnetocardiography
Dawson Rach, O'Dwyer Carolyn, Mrozowski Marcin S, Irwin Edward, McGilligan James P, Burt David P, Hunter Dominic, Ingleby Stuart, Rea Molly, Holmes Niall, Brookes Matthew J, Griffin Paul F, Riis Erling
Journal of Optical Microsystems Vol 3 (2023)
Optical pumping enhancement of a free-induction-decay magnetometer
Hunter Dominic, Mrozowski Marcin S, McWilliam Allan, Ingleby Stuart J, Dyer Terry E, Griffin Paul F, Riis Erling
The Journal of Optical Society of America B Vol 40, pp. 2664-2673 (2023)

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Research Interests

Magnetic sensors

Magnetic field measurements have thousands of important applications- from monitoring foetal heartbeats to locating unexploded ordinance. Laboratory measurements over the last decade have pushed the boundaries of sensitivity with optical magnetometers, and, with field resolution below 1 femtotestla, this technology can now be applied in place of expensive cryogenic SQUID sensors.

Compact optical & atomic systems

Our work to develop portable magnetometers requires the design and testing of ever-smaller and more scalable laser and atomic vapour systems. Characterisation of atomic vapour cells is carried out in the laboratory at Strathclyde.

Data aquisition and processing

Practical sensors require real-time data readout and optimisation. Development of the hardware, software and firmware for control and measurement of our atomic system is a key part of my work.

Precision electronics

Low-noise analogue electronics forms the interface between the sensor control system and its atomic sample. Development and testing of these electronics allows us to rapidly increase the sensitivity and scalability of magnetic sensors.

Professional Activities

AIP Advances (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Advanced Optical Technologies (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Optics Express (Journal)
Peer reviewer
European Physical Journal Quantum Technology (Journal)
Peer reviewer
Quantum Technology Showcase 2019
International Graduate Summer School

More professional activities


QEPNT A UK Hub for Quantum Enabled Position, Navigation and Timing - Full Stage
Hastie, Jennifer (Principal Investigator) Arnold, Aidan (Co-investigator) Griffin, Paul (Co-investigator) Ingleby, Stuart (Co-investigator) McGilligan, James Patrick (Co-investigator) Riis, Erling (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 30-Jan-2029
Ingleby, Stuart (Principal Investigator) Hunter, Dominic (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 01-Jan-2024
Feasibility study for optically pumped magnetometers on satellites
Ingleby, Stuart (Principal Investigator) Dawson, Rachel (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
UK Space Agency and STFC Enabling Technologies Programme – Call Two - Quantum magnetometry for Space Weather
Ingleby, Stuart (Principal Investigator)
26-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2025
Quantum Sensing of the Geomagnetic Space Weather Environment
Ingleby, Stuart (Principal Investigator) Griffin, Paul (Co-investigator) Riis, Erling (Co-investigator) Hunter, Dominic (Research Co-investigator)
13-Jan-2023 - 12-Jan-2026
DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Johnston, Zak
Ingleby, Stuart (Principal Investigator) Griffin, Paul (Co-investigator) Johnston, Zak (Research Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 01-Jan-2026

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Dr Stuart Ingleby
Chancellor’S Fellow - Senior Lecturer

Email: stuart.ingleby@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 574 5321