Dr Charlie Irvine

Senior Teaching Fellow



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Professional Activities

UK Mediation Clinic Conference 2023: Working with the Courts
Mediate Scotland 2022
UK Mediation Clinic Conference 2022
Keynote/plenary speaker
UK Mediation Clinic Conference 2022
Learning by Doing: The First UK Mediation Clinic Conference
Learning by Doing: The First UK Mediation Clinic Conference
Keynote/plenary speaker

More professional activities


Strathclyde Mediation Clinic
Irvine, Charlie (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2025
University of Strathclyde Mediation Clinic
Irvine, Charlie (Principal Investigator)
Continuation of Scottish Government funding to enable the Mediation Clinic to continue providing a free mediation service in 18 sheriff courts across Central and Southern Scotland
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
One Ocean Hub Research Fellow (0.2FTE)
Irvine, Charlie (Principal Investigator)
Practitioner/researcher providing and studying conflict resolution within the One Ocean Hub
01-Jan-2019 - 31-Jan-2024
Conflict in the Supervisory Relationship
Irvine, Charlie (Academic)
A short course for doctoral supervisors, addressing the relational aspects of supervision through the lens of mediation. Charlie Irvine is an experienced workplace mediator who often deals with serious conflict in academic life. He provides an introduction to mediation principles and explains how to apply a mediatory approach at an early stage so as to address problems in the supervisory relationship as they emerge.
05-Jan-2018 - 05-Jan-2022
Simple Procedure Mediation Service to Sheriff Courts
Irvine, Charlie (Principal Investigator)
Strathclyde Mediation Clinic provides a free mediation service in more than half of Scotland's sheriff courts, enabling them to fulfil the requirements of the Simple Procedure Rules 2016.
Training for sheriffs in using mediation
Irvine, Charlie (Principal Investigator)
Training provided for the Judicial Institute for Scotland on the effective use of mediation in court actions. This was triggered by the new Simple Procedure rules, brought in by the Act of Sederunt (Simple Procedure) 2016, which require sheriffs to ensure that proper consideration is given to alternative dispute resolution in civil claims of up to £5,000
01-Jan-2016 - 01-Jan-2017

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Dr Charlie Irvine
Senior Teaching Fellow

Email: charlie.irvine@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3585