Dr Yashar Javadi
Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellow
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
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Prize And Awards
- The BINDT Annual Conference Award
- Recipient
- 5/9/2019
- The BINDT Annual Conference Paper Award 2018
- Recipient
- 12/9/2018
- Best paper award
- Recipient
- 2018
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- Interpass peening impact on residual stress in wire-arc additive manufactured Ti 6Al-4V using phased-array ultrasonic testing
- Walker Joseph, Mills Brandon, Javadi Yashar, Sun Yongle, Taraphdar Pradeeptta Kumar, Sillars Fiona, MacLeod Charles Norman, Gachagan Anthony, Pierce Gareth
- ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing 2024
(2024) - Study of residual stress using phased array ultrasonics in Ti-6AL-4V wire-arc additively manufactured components
- Walker Joseph, Mills Brandon, Javadi Yashar, MacLeod Charles, Sun Yongle, Taraphdar Pradeeptta Kumar, Ahmad Bilal, Gurumurthy Sundar, Ding Jialuo, Sillars Fiona
- Sensors Vol 24 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.3390/s24196372
- Inspection of wind turbine bolted connections using the Ultrasonic Phased Array system
- Mills Brandon, Javadi Yashar, Abad Farhad, Lotfian Saeid, MacLeod Charles, Mehmanparast Ali, Pierce Gareth, Gachagan Anthony
- Heliyon Vol 10 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e34579
- Enhancing additive friction stir deposition through comprehensive ultrasonic defect detection and process optimisation
- Germano Elmergue, Walker Joseph, Mills Brandon, Javadi Yashar, Buffa Gianluca, MacLeod Charles Norman, Gachagan Anthony, Pierce Gareth, Mineo Carmelo, Tamimi Saeed, Mohseni Ehsan, Lam Kwok Ho
- Phased array ultrasonic method for robotic preload measurement in offshore wind turbine bolted connections
- Javadi Yashar, Mills Brandon, MacLeod Charles, Lines David, Abad Farhad, Lotfian Saeid, Mehmanparast Ali, Pierce Gareth, Brennan Feargal, Gachagan Anthony, Mineo Carmelo
- Sensors Vol 24 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.3390/s24051421
- Data fusion for multi-modal in-process non-destructive evaluation of Wire + Arc Additive Manufacturing
- Mohseni Ehsan, McKnight Shaun, Tunukovic Vedran, Zimermann Rastislav, Pyle Richard, Rizwan Muhammad Khalid, MacLeod Charles Norman, Wathavana Vithanage Randika Kosala, Loukas Charalampos, Javadi Yashar, Pierce Gareth, Gachagan Anthony, Ding Jialuo, Williams Stewart, O'Hare Tom
- IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2023 (2023)
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Professional Activities
- Using In-Process NDE Inspection to Qualify WAAM Builds: Working towards Qualification for Different NDE Modalities
- Contributor
- 30/10/2023
- Automated Inspection Research Developments for Full Lifecycle Inspection
- Contributor
- 19/4/2023
- SCDT proposal development
- Contributor
- 13/2/2023
- Sensors (Journal)
- Guest editor
- 15/1/2023
- Developments of in-process NDE techniques for Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture at University of Strathclyde
- Contributor
- 30/10/2022
- Sensor Enabled Automation
- Contributor
- 14/9/2022
- Residual stress measurement round robin on a wire arc additively manufactured titanium alloy
- Javadi, Yashar (Principal Investigator) Sun, Yongle (Co-investigator) Alipooramirabad, Houman (Co-investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Co-investigator) Reid, Mark (Co-investigator)
- The aim of this project is the development of a round-robin residual stress measurement to investigate the residual stress in titanium (Ti–6Al–4V) Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) components. Cranfield will contribute with the manufacturing and finite element modelling of the WAAM samples. ANSTO is supporting the project with residual stress measurement using Neutron Diffraction (ND) method.
- 21-Jan-2023 - 21-Jan-2023
- Fusing a future from Glasgow’s proud heritage: Schedule Guaranteed High-Integrity Structures for a Secure, Safe and Resilient Transition to Net Zero (Innovation Accelerator)
- MacLeod, Charles Norman (Principal Investigator) Dobie, Gordon (Co-investigator) Fitzpatrick, Stephen (Co-investigator) Gachagan, Anthony (Co-investigator) Javadi, Yashar (Co-investigator) Mohseni, Ehsan (Co-investigator) Pierce, Gareth (Co-investigator) Stratoudaki, Theodosia (Co-investigator) Tant, Katherine Margaret Mary (Co-investigator) Wathavana Vithanage, Randika Kosala (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2025
- Investigating the effect of residual stress on hydrogen cracking in multi-pass robotic welding and additive manufacturing
- Javadi, Yashar (Principal Investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Co-investigator) Alipooramirabad, Houman (Co-investigator)
- The aim of this project is the development of a round-robin Residual Stress (RS) measurement to investigate the effect of the RS on hydrogen cracking. Dr Javadi (PI) is leading the RS area in the Center for Ultrasonic Engineering (CUE) and he has been a Keynote Speaker at the 11th International Conference on Residual Stress (ICRS 11) where he presented his novel idea on RS measurement using the Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) method [1]. This method will also be used to study the effect of RS on hydrogen cracking. In this Strathclyde-ANSTO collaboration, ANSTO will conduct the Neutron Diffraction (ND) to form the round-robin RS measurement project.
[1] Y. Javadi et al., "Feasibility study of residual stress measurement using phased array ultrasonic method," presented at the 11th International Conference on Residual Stress, Nancy, France, 27-30 March, 2022. - 21-Jan-2023 - 20-Jan-2023
- Robotic Ultrasonic System for In-situ Residual Stress Measurement in Metal Additive Manufacturing
- Walker, Joseph (Post Grad Student) Javadi, Yashar (Principal Investigator) Heidari, Hadi (Co-investigator) Rahimi, Salaheddin (Co-investigator)
- Residual Stress (RS) in engineering components yields unexpected and dangerous structural failures, and thus represents a significant challenge to quality assurance in both welding and metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes. As automation in welding and AM becomes increasingly prevalent in the Industry 4.0 manufacturing paradigm, so the importance of quantifying RS will grow. In this PhD project, a novel robotic ultrasonic approach to measuring such RS, in-situ, will be developed using the Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) system, to automate the deployment of the measurement in manufacturing applications. For the first time, it will allow truly in-situ measurements of RS to be undertaken at the elevated temperatures associated with welding and metal AM manufacture. The ambition is to use this in-situ measurement system for safety-critical and Industry 4.0 applications, through 5G wireless integration of the robotic system, where the conventional manual and destructive methods of RS measurement are not applicable for high throughput and automated production lines.
- 01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2026
- EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Ultrasonic Engineering (FUSE) | Walker, Joseph
- Javadi, Yashar (Principal Investigator) Walker, Joseph (Research Co-investigator)
- 12-Jan-2022 - 12-Jan-2026
- Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) - Bridging the Gaps (BTG) – Net Zero / Circular Economy
- Javadi, Yashar (Principal Investigator) Lotfian, Saeid (Co-investigator) MacLeod, Charles Norman (Co-investigator) Mehmanparast, Ali (Co-investigator) Pierce, Gareth (Co-investigator) Brennan, Feargal (Co-investigator) Gachagan, Anthony (Co-investigator)
- In-situ Robotic and Ultrasonic Stress Measurement for Predictive Maintenance of Offshore Wind Bolted Flange Connections
- 01-Jan-2022 - 01-Jan-2023
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Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellow
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Email: yashar.javadi@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 444 7402