Dr Kimberley Kavanagh

Senior Lecturer

Mathematics and Statistics


Personal statement

I am an applied statistician, collaborating with researchers, clinicians, epidemiologists and consultants in the NHS and international partners on data driven solutions and predictive approaches to problems in public health, medicine, social care and epidemiology.  My work has helped to shape public health policy, in particular my work evaluating the impact of the HPV vaccination has provided the evidence base for vaccine and cervical screening policy in Scotland and contributed to the international evidence base. I am interested in observational data, data linkage, prediction modelling and the application of robust statistical modelling and design to drive greatest value from the data collected.

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Consecutive prediction of adverse maternal outcomes of preeclampsia, using the PIERS-ML and fullPIERS models : a multicountry prospective observational study
Yang Guiyou, Montgomery-Csobán Tünde, Ganzevoort Wessel, Gordijn Sanne J, Kavanagh Kimberley, Murray Paul, Magee Laura A, Groen Henk, von Dadelszen Peter, Smith Gordon C
PLOS Medicine Vol 22 (2025)
Assessing real world vaccine effectiveness : a review of Scotland's approach to monitoring human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine impact on HPV infection and cervical disease
Cameron Ross L, Palmer Tim J, Cuschieri Kate, Kavanagh Kimberley, Roy Kirsty
Vaccine Vol 42 (2024)
Decision support in cardiac surgery : early exploration of requirements with cardiac anesthetists and surgeons
Lapp Linda, Bouamrane Matt-Mouley, Roper Marc, Kavanagh Kimberley, Schraag Stefan
Digital Health and Informatics Innovations for Sustainable Health Care Systems 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Vol 316, pp. 1827-1831 (2024)
Predictive data analytics in telecare and telehealth : systematic scoping review
Anderson Euan, Lennon Marilyn, Kavanagh Kimberley, Weir Natalie, Kernaghan David, Roper Marc, Dunlop Emma, Lapp Linda
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics Vol 16, pp. 37-50 (2024)
Invasive cervical cancer incidence following bivalent human papillomavirus vaccination : a population-based observational study of age at immunization, dose, and deprivation
Palmer Tim J, Kavanagh Kimberley, Cuschieri Kate, Cameron Ross, Graham Catriona, Wilson Allan, Roy Kirsty
Journal of the National Cancer Institute Vol 116, pp. 857-865 (2024)
Machine learning-enabled maternal risk assessment for women with pre-eclampsia (the PIERS-ML model) : a modelling study
Csoban Tunde, Kavanagh Kimberley, Murray Paul, Robertson Chris, Barry Sarah JE, Ukah U Vivian, Payne Beth A, Nicolaides Kypros H, Syngelaki Argyro, Ionescu Olivia, Akolekar Ranjit, Hutcheon Jennifer A, Magee Laura A, von Dadelszen Peter
The Lancet Digital Health Vol 6, pp. E238-E250 (2024)

More publications

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Professional Activities

Scottish Government (External organisation)
Royal Statistical Society (External organisation)
Strathclyde Doctoral School CDTs for Chancellor’s Fellows Workshop
Royal Statistical Conference 2019
NHS National Institute for Health Research (External organisation)
Royal Statistical Society Conference 2017

More professional activities


Cancer Medicines Outcomes Programme Interim 23-24
Bennie, Marion (Principal Investigator) Kurdi, Amanj (Co-investigator) Kavanagh, Kimberley (Co-investigator) Mueller, Tanja (Co-investigator) Dunlop, Emma (Principal Investigator) Fontes, Pedro (Researcher) Csoban, Tunde (Researcher)
Continuation of funding for the CMOP programme for 23-24
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2024
Cervical cancer rates projection
Kavanagh, Kimberley (Principal Investigator)
20-Jan-2023 - 19-Jan-2023
EVolution of a patiEnt-REported symptom-based risk stratification sySTem to redesign the suspected Head and Neck cancer referral pathway (EVEREST-HN)
Kavanagh, Kimberley (Principal Investigator)
17-Jan-2023 - 30-Jan-2028
AICE AI supported picture analysis in large bowel camera capsule endoscopy (Horizon-HLTH-2021-Disease-04)
Maguire, Roma (Principal Investigator) Barry, Sarah (Co-investigator) Kavanagh, Kimberley (Co-investigator) Lennon, Marilyn (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2026
panPIERS: artificial intelligence-informed time-of-disease risk assessment for women with pre-eclampsia
Kavanagh, Kimberley (Principal Investigator) Murray, Paul (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2023
Statistical Modelling of Covid-19 data in Public Health Scotland
Robertson, Chris (Principal Investigator) Kavanagh, Kimberley (Co-investigator) Kleczkowski, Adam (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2022

More projects

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Dr Kimberley Kavanagh
Senior Lecturer
Mathematics and Statistics

Email: kim.kavanagh@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3670