Dr Mel Kenny

Senior Lecturer



Personal statement

Mel specialises in Private law, Company & Commercial law as well as Consumer law and EU law. His research has been published in leading journals including: Modern Law Review, Lloyds Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly, Journal of Business Law, European Law Review, Columbia Journal of European Law and New Zealand Universities Law Review.

Mel maintains links to Civil law jurisdictions: publishing in Europarecht, Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego and Jurista Vards amongst others; and promoting Strathclyde students' European mobility opportunities within the Erasmus and School LML programmes.  

In Strathclyde Mel teaches Business Law, Law of Business Associations and Consumer Law and Policy at UG level. At PG level he teaches on International Business Law, Business Law & Human Rights, Dispute Resolution and Law of the Construction Industry. 

Mel is an External Examiner at the University of London.


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Dr Mel Kenny
Senior Lecturer

Email: mel.kenny@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3522