Dr Anja Kuschmann


Speech and Language Therapy


Personal statement

I am a Reader in Speech and Language Therapy with a research interest in exploring typical and atypical speech production processes across the life span.

My current research focuses on dysarthria, describing its acoustic properties and determining its impact on communication in children and adults. I am also interested in understanding how speech changes as children grow, and how older age affects speech production processes.

I gained my PhD on intonation in foreign accent syndrome from the University of Strathclyde. A subsequent British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship enabled me to extend my work in this field and investigate intonation and prosody in children with dysarthria due to cerebral palsy.

My work is funded by the British Academy, the Economic and Social Research Council, The Cunningham Trust, and the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.

Ongoing projects include:

  • ESRC funded research on how children‘s speech changes as they grow (Variability in Child Speech - VariCS) with Prof Joanne Cleland, Dr David Young (University of Strathclyde) and Prof Jane Stuart-Smith (University of Glasgow)
  • ESRC funded research into the role of cognition and speech in older adults’ communication patterns (PhD student: Laura Manderson; with Prof Louise Brown Nicholls and Prof Anja Lowit, University of Strathclyde)
  • Cunningham Trust funded research investigating Technology-enriched Integrated Rehabilitation - Development and evaluation of an integrated approach to speech and language therapy and physiotherapy for stroke survivors (PhD student: Evelyn Hamilton; with Dr Andy Kerr; University of Strathclyde)

I am a member of the ESRC's Peer Review College, and Associate Editor for Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. I am currently the Department’s Director of Internationalisation, and have previously served as both Chair and Deputy Chair of the Department's Athena SWAN group.

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Area of Expertise

  • Motor speech disorders in adults and children 
  • Typical speech production across the life span
  • Acoustic analyses of typical and atypical speech

Prize And Awards

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship

More prizes and awards

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Investigating Variability in Child Speech (VariCS) – the VariCS corpus
Kuschmann Anja, Murali Mridhula, Taylor Lauren, Smith Amy, Cleland Joanne, Stuart-Smith Jane, Young David
The impact of a university-based intensive comprehensive aphasia programme (ICAP) on language, functional communication and quality of life in people with chronic aphasia
Molino Monia, Egan Aisling, Kuschmann Anja
Aphasiology (2024)
Die sprachtherapeutische Versorgung von Kindern mit Dysarthrien : Eine Online-Umfrage zum Status quo und Implikationen für Forschung und Praxis
Schoelderle Theresa, Haas Elisabet, Kuschmann Anja
forum:logopädie Vol 2024, pp. 16-21 (2024)
Variability in DDK rate productions in typically-developing children in Scotland
Murali Mridhula, Taylor Lauren, Cleland Joanne, Young David, Stuart-Smith Jane, Kuschmann Anja
2024 Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (2024)
Investigating variability in child’s speech (VariCS) : introducing the VariCS corpus
Kuschmann Anja, Murali Mridhula, Taylor Lauren, Smith Amy, Cleland Joanne, Stuart-Smith Jane, Young David
2024 Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (2024)
Comparing DDK rate variability in typically developing children in central Scotland
Murali Mridhula, Cleland Joanne, Young David, Stuart-Smith Jane, Taylor Lauren, Smith Amy, Kuschmann Anja
Conference on Motor Speech (2024)

More publications

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I teach on the BSc Hons Speech and Language Pathology undergraduate programme and supervise MRes and PhD students. I am also the course lead for the MRes in Speech and Language Sciences.

My undergraduate teaching covers the following areas:

  • Psycholinguistics
  • Neurology and Paediatrics (Module lead)
  • Childhood Dysarthria – Assessment and Intervention
  • Multilingualism
  • Research Investigation
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Research Interests

My research focuses on dysarthria in children and adults. I am interested in understanding the underlying nature of their speech problems, how these problems manifest, and how current treatment approaches target these difficulties. I harness the power of detailed acoustic analyses to aid the understanding of these aspects. My goal is to undertake research that advances our theoretical understanding of speech disorders and drives clinical practices, which can improve well-being, social and communication participation for those affected by motor speech disorders.

While my main focus is on understanding patterns of disordered speech, I am also interested in exploring speech processes in typical speech across the life span, with a particular focus on determining variability in typical speech patterns and what these can tell us about disordered speech.

Current PhD and MRes students

  • Evelyn Hamilton, PhD candidate: Development and evaluation of an integrated approach to speech and language therapy and physiotherapy for stroke survivors
  • Amy Smith, PhD candidate: Measuring Variability in Child Speech Using Instrumental Articulatory Techniques
  • Laura Manderson, PhD candidate: Ageing and communication: Understanding the roles of cognition, speech production, and social participation
  • Devika Thattat: CPP analyses for typical and atypical child spech

I am happy to supervise students with research interests involving any area of motor speech disorders.


Professional Activities

Investigating variability in a large cohort of typically developing children in Scotland – preliminary analysis of non-speech tasks
Glasgow Science Festival
University of Newcastle, REF review (Event)
Peer reviewer
A study of the development of speech in primary-school aged children in Scotland
Variability in DDK rate productions in typically-developing children in Scotland
ESRC (External organisation)

More professional activities


Technology-Enriched Integrated Rehabilitation - Development and evaluation of an integrated approach to speech and language therapy and physiotherapy for stroke survivors (CT23-20)
Kuschmann, Anja (Principal Investigator) Kerr, Andy (Co-investigator)
16-Sep-2024 - 15-Sep-2027
Variability in child speech (VariCS)
Kuschmann, Anja (Principal Investigator) Barry, Sarah (Co-investigator) Cleland, Joanne (Co-investigator) Young, David (Co-investigator)
01-Aug-2022 - 25-Apr-2026
Ageing and communication: Understanding the roles of cognition, speech production, and social participation
Brown Nicholls, Louise (Principal Investigator) Kuschmann, Anja (Co-investigator)
SGSSS ESRC studentship
01-Oct-2020 - 30-Sep-2024
Phonetic markers of sentence stress in people with speech disorders
Lowit, Anja (Principal Investigator) Kuschmann, Anja (Co-investigator)
Phonetic markers of sentence stress in people with speech disorders
01-Sep-2016 - 31-Aug-2017
Prosodic abilities in Cerebral Palsy
Kuschmann, Anja (Fellow)
01-Jan-2013 - 31-Dec-2015

More projects

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Dr Anja Kuschmann
Speech and Language Therapy

Email: anja.kuschmann@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3102