Dr Kyung Yoon Kwon

Senior Lecturer

Accounting and Finance


Personal statement

I received my Ph.D. in Finance from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) College of Business, in February 2017, and joined Strathclyde Business School in May 2018. My research interests lie in the areas of empirical asset pricing, market microstructure, international financial markets, and derivatives markets. My research is published in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Futures Markets, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, and Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies. I also have acted as referee of the Journal of Futures Markets, The Financial Review, and Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies.

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Does high-frequency trading cause stock prices to deviate from fundamental values?
Jung Michael, Kwon Kyung Yoon, Park Hyungshin
Accounting and Business Research Vol 54, pp. 580-613 (2024)
CEO cultural heritage and R&D expenditures
Ha Yu Sung, Kang Jangkoo, Kwon Kyung Yoon
International Journal of Finance and Economics (2024)
Biweekly performance of low-risk anomalies over the FOMC cycle
Yun Jaesun, Kwon Kyung Yoon
Finance Research Letters Vol 58 (2023)
Banks and FinTech acquisitions
Kwon Kyung Yoon, Molyneux Philip, Pancotto Livia, Reghezza Alessio
Journal of Financial Services Research (2023)
Enhancing the profitability of lottery strategies
Kwon Kyung Yoon, Min Byoung-Kyu, Sun Chenfei
Journal of Empirical Finance Vol 69, pp. 166-184 (2022)
Dynamic and static volatility interruptions : evidence from the Korean stock markets
Eom Kyong Shik, Kwon Kyung Yoon, La Sung Chae, Park Jong-Ho
Journal of Risk and Financial Management Vol 15 (2022)

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Dr Kyung Yoon Kwon
Senior Lecturer
Accounting and Finance

Email: kyung.kwon@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3935