Dr Konstantinos Lagoudakis




Personal statement

Konstantinos Lagoudakis studied Physics at the National Kapodistrian University in Athens, Greece where he received a Bachelor of Science with specialization in Solid State Physics. He did a Master of Science in Optics and Photonics at Imperial College of Science and Technology in London, United Kingdom. In 2006 he joined the Laboratory of Quantum Optoelectronics at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland where he completed a PhD on fundamental properties of exciton-polariton condensates under the supervision of Benoit Deveaud. His ground-breaking experimental demonstrations of integer and fractional vortices in polariton condensates earned him the prestigious Swiss Physical Society award on general physics, the 6th EPFL Press Distinction prize and the EPFL doctorate award. In 2012 he joined the Nanoscale and Quantum Photonics group of Jelena Vuckovic at Stanford University as a postdoctoral fellow. He received two consecutive prestigious fellowships by the Swiss National Science Foundation that funded his stay for the first three years. During his postdoc, he developed a versatile magnetic spectroscopy setup with coherent control capabilities in order to investigate spin-photon interfaces using a broad variety of quantum emitters ranging from self-assembled and site-controlled quantum dots to silicon vacancies in diamond. In 2016, he was appointed Associate Research Scientist at Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory working on scalable nanophotonics with novel quantum emitter platforms. In 2018 he joined the Physics Department at the University of Strathclyde as a Reader (Associate Professor), where he is leading the effort for the development of Hybrid Quantum Technologies.

Google Scholar   |   Researcher ID   |   Experimental Quantum Nanoscience

University of Strathclyde
Department of Physics

John Anderson Building
Glasgow G4 0NG
United Kingdom


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Towards spin state tailoring of charged excitons in InGaAs quantum dots using oblique magnetic fields
Barr K, Hourahine B, Schneider C, Höfling S, Lagoudakis K G
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Vol 109 (2024)
Operation of a continuous flow liquid helium magnetic microscopy cryostat as a closed cycle system
Barr K, Cookson T, Lagoudakis K G
Review of Scientific Instruments Vol 92 (2021)
Frequency stabilization of a Helium-Neon laser using a microcontroller
Jonusas Paulius, Lagoudakis Konstantinos G
Carnegie Vacation Scholarship Event (2019)
Spatiotemporal light control with frequency-gradient metasurfaces
Shaltout Amr M, Lagoudakis Konstantinos G, van de Groep Jorik, Kim Soo Jin, Vučković Jelena, Shalaev Vladimir M, Brongersma Mark L
Science (New York, N.Y.) Vol 365, pp. 374-377 (2019)
Inverse-designed diamond photonics
Dory Constantin, Vercruysse Dries, Yang Ki Youl, Sapra Neil V, Rugar Alison E, Sun Shuo, Lukin Daniil M, Piggott Alexander Y, Zhang Jingyuan L, Radulaski Marina, Lagoudakis Konstantinos G, Su Logan, Vučković Jelena
Nature Communications Vol 10 (2019)
Cavity-enhanced Raman emission from a single color center in a solid
Sun Shuo, Zhang Jingyuan Linda, Fischer Kevin A, Burek Michael J, Dory Constantin, Lagoudakis Konstantinos G, Tzeng Yan-Kai, Radulaski Marina, Kelaita Yousif, Safavi-Naeini Amir, Shen Zhi-Xun, Melosh Nicholas A, Chu Steven, Lončar Marko, Vučković Jelena
Physical Review Letters Vol 121 (2018)

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Research Interests

Condensation of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities

  • All-optical control of polariton fluids
  • Novel topological entities and topologically protected computing
  • Emulation of complex systems using polariton condensates

Solid-state quantum nanosystems

  • Coherent qubit control in scalable quantum emitter platforms: Site-controlled quantum-dots and silicon-vacancies in diamond
  • Enhanced light-matter interactions at single quantum level
  • Nanophotonic applications with III-V materials and diamond

Hybrid platforms for scalable quantum hardware

  • Development / investigation of a hybrid Polariton/Quantum dot system
  • Use of excitonic quantum nonlinearities for scalable single/two qubit gates
  • Development of fundamental components for on-chip quantum processors

Professional Activities

International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics 2018
Keynote/plenary speaker
International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics 2017
Invited speaker
OSA Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science 2016
Invited speaker
16th International Conference on the Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures
Invited speaker
Bose Einstein Condensation 2011: Frontiers in Quantum Gases
Invited speaker
5th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems
Invited speaker

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DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Samaras, Ioannis
Lagoudakis, Konstantinos (Principal Investigator) Rossi, Alessandro (Co-investigator) Samaras, Ioannis (Research Co-investigator)
01-Oct-2024 - 01-Apr-2028
Doctoral Training Partnership 2018-19 University of Strathclyde | Barr, Kristopher
Lagoudakis, Konstantinos (Principal Investigator) Martin, Robert (Co-investigator) Barr, Kristopher (Research Co-investigator)
01-Sep-2020 - 06-Sep-2024

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Dr Konstantinos Lagoudakis

Email: k.lagoudakis@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3464