Professor Marilyn Lennon

Computer and Information Sciences


Personal statement

I am a Professor in Digital Health and Care in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) at University of Strathclyde. I am founder and one of the directors of the Digital Health and Wellness Group (DHaWG) at Strathclyde. We are leading multidisciplinary researchers in the area of user centered design, evaluation and implementation of a range of digial technologies and services for supoprting health and wellbeing of individuals and the population. My background is in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), usability, user centred design, and evaluation. The current focus of my work is novel wearable and mobile technologies for care at home from remote monitoring (e.g. precdictve falls monitoring), to remote diagnosis and screening technoloigies (e.g. colon capsule technology evaluations), to smart home and tech for social care more generally (including for example medicine management, and self management of diabetes). I have a strong background in working with external clients and stakeholders including NHS, charities and health and social care practitioners to generate requirements for and evaluate the impact of large health tech projects. I am really interested in the social and technical barriers and facilitators to getting health technologies to work in practice in the real world and how we can evaluate them robustly but more quickly so that innovative ideas can have real impact.

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Area of Expertise

Marilyn has a strong background in mixed methods for (i) capturing, prioritising, and translating user requirements and needs for technology design, (ii) project managing implementation of digital health technologies and (iii) evaluating the impact and effectiveness of digtial health both in the lab and at scale.

Prize And Awards

MyCity: Glasgow - Gamechanger Award (Gold Medal)
Emerald Outstanding Paper Award
Best Paper Award (most replicable scientific paper)

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Marilyn has a first class BSc degree in Psychology (Glasgow 1998), a PhD in Computing Science (Glasgow 2002) and a post graduate diploma in academic practice meaning she is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). She is also an active member of the Asscociation for Computing Machinery (ACM).

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Exploring the use of activity trackers to support physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior in adults diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes : qualitative interview study using the RE-AIM Framework
Hodgson William, Kirk Alison, Lennon Marilyn, Janssen Xanne
JMIR Diabetes Vol 9 (2024)
Exploring the use of activity trackers to support physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour in adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes : a qualitative interview study using the RE-AIM Framework
Hodgson William, Kirk Alison, Lennon Marilyn, Janssen Xanne
Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol 9 (2024)
Digital mental health interventions for adolescents in low- and middle-income countries : scoping review
Wani Carolina, McCann Lisa, Lennon Marilyn, Radu Caterina
Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol 26 (2024)
2350 A scoping review of guidelines and resources to promote evidence-based prescribing for older people with sensory impairment
Morrison BC, Asante E, Lennon MR, Watson MC
Age and Ageing Vol 53 (2024)
Predictive data analytics in telecare and telehealth : systematic scoping review
Anderson Euan, Lennon Marilyn, Kavanagh Kimberley, Weir Natalie, Kernaghan David, Roper Marc, Dunlop Emma, Lapp Linda
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics Vol 16, pp. 37-50 (2024)
The burden of managing medicines for older people with sensory impairment : an ethnographic-informed study
Fuzesi Peter, Broadfoot Kirsten, Lennon Marilyn, Jacob Sabrina Anne, Macaden Leah, Smith Annetta, Welsh Tomas, Watson Margaret C
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Vol 10, pp. 1-11 (2024)

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Marilyn is currently course director for a taught Masters in Digital Health Systems. She has taught at all levels but specialises in level 1 UG and level 5 PG teaching including Information Management and Database Fundamentals, Human Computer Interaction, and Design of Usable Systems. She has supervised 5 PhDs (2 completed so far) and over 100 level 4 and level 5 final year projects.

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Research Interests

Marilyn has over 20 years experience in the user centered design and evaluation of interactive technologies. She has been involved in various projects involving smart home technology, mobile lifestyle app design and development and the implementation and evaluation of telecare, telehealth and assisted living technologies both in the lab and 'in the wild'.

Professional Activities

Accelerate Schools Programme Computer Science Challenge 2024
Accelerate Schools Programme Computer Science Challenge
Clinical Trials Data Workshop
University of Waterloo Research Visit
ORCHA (External organisation)
University Of Strathclyde (Organisational unit)

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No Need to Fall (Health Foundation) Phase 3
Lennon, Marilyn (Principal Investigator)
Project codesigning a digital tool to allow people to tell their story once and be directed to community based support for falls prevention - Health Foundation £400,000)
01-Jan-2025 - 31-Jan-2025
No Need to Fall Phase 3
Lennon, Marilyn (Principal Investigator)
Health Foundation funded project (£69,000)
05-Jan-2024 - 26-Jan-2024
Personalised response monitoring in oncology: co-creating clincal trials in advanced breast cancer (PREMIO) (HORIZON-MISS-2023_CANCER)
Maguire, Roma (Principal Investigator) Lennon, Marilyn (Co-investigator) Miller, Morven (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2029
Causal Counterfactual visualisation for human causal decision making – A case study in healthcare
Dong, Feng (Principal Investigator) Lennon, Marilyn (Co-investigator) Maguire, Roma (Co-investigator)
This project aims at a robust, fast paced proof-of-concept to unlock the potential of AI in biomedical and health research. It will apply the newly emerging generative AI technology to transform biomedical and health research by enabling virtual clinical trial emulation with synthetic data. The research outcome will address key limitations in both Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) and observational studies.
01-Jan-2023 - 31-Jan-2025
The Pansophy Cohort: Multidisciplinary solutions to the age-related challenges of pharmaceutical care
Watson, Margaret (Principal Investigator) Giardini, Mario Ettore (Co-investigator) Lennon, Marilyn (Co-investigator) McElroy, Lori (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2025
AICE AI supported picture analysis in large bowel camera capsule endoscopy (Horizon-HLTH-2021-Disease-04)
Maguire, Roma (Principal Investigator) Barry, Sarah (Co-investigator) Kavanagh, Kimberley (Co-investigator) Lennon, Marilyn (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2026

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Professor Marilyn Lennon
Computer and Information Sciences

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