Dr Panagiotis Loukopoulos

Senior Lecturer

Accounting and Finance


Personal statement

Panagiotis Loukopoulos is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting in the University of Strathclyde. Before joining the department of Accounting and Finance at Strathclyde Business School, he was teaching accounting at the University of Limerick . Panagiotis' research interests lie in the intersection of empirical corporate finance and accounting and include the performance of initial public offerings, executive compensation, political risk, earnings management, and audit risk. His research work has been presented at leading international conferences such as the European Accounting Association (EAA), European Financial Management Association, the Financial Engineering and Banking Society Annual Conference (FEBS) and the Sussex Young Scholar Conference, amongst others, as well as at professional organizations and practitioners' conferences and workshops. Panagiotis has a number of working papers which are targeted to be published in top-tier journals. His research has a Best paper award at the 5th Young Finance Scholars’ Conference and the Faculty Seed Funding Competition at the Kemmy Business School (University of Limerick, Ireland). Panagiotis has experience teaching accounting (financial and managerial accounting) and finance courses at MBA, MSc, and undergraduate level in Ireland and Greece. He has invariably received excellent feedback on his engaging and practice-oriented teaching. Panagiotis possesses experience in the accounting field as he has worked for a consulting company in the accounting department. He was employed on various roles which equipped him with confidence and knowledge in the profession. His involvement equipped him with the ability to communicate effectively and use his knowledge to resolve problems in a timely manner.

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Prize And Awards

University Student Excellence Award (SEA) Studentship
Best Pitch Award
Best Paper Award for the Paper Local Policy Risk and IPO Performance

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PhD in Accounting and Finance, 2017, University of Patras

MSc in Accounting and Finance, 2010, University of Exeter

BSc in Business Administration, 2008, University of Patras

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Do CFO career concerns matter? Evidence from IPO financial reporting outcomes
Gounopoulos Dimitrios, Loukopoulos Georgios, Loukopoulos Panagiotis, Zhang Yu
Journal of Corporate Finance Vol 87 (2024)
Corporate political activism, information transparency, and IPO compliance costs
Gounopoulos Dimitrios, Loukopoulos Georgios, Loukopoulos Panagiotis
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting Vol 51, pp. 240-275 (2024)
Corporate political activities and the SEC's oversight role in the IPO process
Gounopoulos Dimitrios, Loukopoulos Georgios, Loukopoulos Panagiotis, Wood Geoffrey
Journal of Management Studies (2022)
Tournament incentives and IPO failure risk
Colak Gonul, Gounopoulos Dimitrios, Loukopoulos Panagiotis, Loukopoulos Georgios
Journal of Banking and Finance Vol 130 (2021)
Political power, local policy uncertainty and IPO pricing
Colak Gonul, Gounopoulos Dimitrios, Loukopoulos Panagiotis, Loukopoulos Georgios
Journal of Corporate Finance Vol 67 (2021)
CEO education and the ability to raise capital
Gounopoulos Dimitrios, Loukopoulos Georgios, Loukopoulos Panagiotis
Corporate Governance: An International Review Vol 29, pp. 67-99 (2021)

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Financial Accounting Theory

International Financiall Reporting Standards

Financial Statement Analysis

Equity Analysis and Valuation

Cost Accounting

Strategic Management Accounting

Corporate Finance

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Dr Panagiotis Loukopoulos
Senior Lecturer
Accounting and Finance

Email: panagiotis.loukopoulos@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 4964