Dr Daria Luchinskaya


Work, Employment and Organisation


Personal statement

I am a lecturer in the Department of Work, Employment and Organisation at Strathclyde Business School. My research interests lie in graduate transitions to employment, skill utilisation and job upgrading, and mixed methods research approaches. I teach across a range of areas related to my interests in Human Resource Management, organisational behaviour and research methods.

My background is in economics, area studies and employment research. Prior to taking up my current role, I was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick, and an Early Career Fellow of the Warwick Institute of Advanced Study. Between 2016 and 2018 I was on part-time secondment as a Research Associate to Wales Public Services 2025 hosted by Cardiff Business School.

I review papers for a range of journals and am associate editor of the Longitudinal and Life Course Studies journal. I co-convene the SRHE Enterprise, Employabiility and Work-based Learning network and am coordinating an international network on graduate transitions to employment.

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Area of Expertise

  • Graduate transitions to employment
  • The ‘graduate labour market’, including the SME context
  • Skill development and skill utilisation
  • Mixed methods research approaches

Prize And Awards

Featured case study in the Business School’s Employability Showcase
Shortlisted for Celebrating Innovation and Resilience at Strathclyde award
Visiting Fellowship
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

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PhD, University of Warwick, Institute for Employment Research, ESRC CASE Studentship, Employment Research

MPhil (Distinction), University of Oxford, St Anne’s College, CEELBAS Studentship, Russian and East European Studies

BA (Honours), University of Oxford, St Anne’s College, Economics and Management

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Member of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)

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At WEO I teach on a range of courses, including Human Resource Management, organisational behaviour and research methods, specialising in skill development and utilisation, transitions to employment, graduate employment, labour markets, research methodology and statistical analysis.

Previously, I have taught introductory mathematical methods and quantitative economics at St Anne’s College, University of Oxford, public policy economics, inequality and labour markets, and research methods for the Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford, and have supervised undergraduate students’ dissertations from the department of Economics, University of Warwick.

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Research Interests

My main research interests are in graduate transitions to employment, skill utilisation and job upgrading, and mixed methods research approaches. I am especially interested in the inequalities in graduate transitions to employment, and in the role of skill development and skill utilisation in relation to graduate employment.

At present, I am working on a comparative research project on the role of work placements in graduate transitions to employment in the UK and Italy, taking into account national education and labour market contexts. My colleagues and I are exploring similarities and differences in the pathways to employment, who benefits and who is marginalised, and furthering the development of an international research network in this area.

Previously, I worked on a variety of projects related to employment and the labour market while at the Warwick Institute for Employment Research, including adults’ participation in training, wider benefits of higher education and diversity in the British screen industries. During my time at Wales Public Services 2025, I worked on public service financing, focusing on healthcare spend in Wales.

Professional Activities

SRHE Employability, Enterprise and Work-based Learning Network: How do different HE institutions address graduate employability?
From Education to Employment: How Internships and Traineeships are Challenging Labour Regulation
Unequal opportunities: The role of internships in graduates’ labour market transitions
Educational Choices in Further and Higher Education
Digit Papers in Progress Series
Graduate outcomes: Beyond numbers, towards quality?

More professional activities


Post education job and career choices.
Luchinskaya, Daria (Researcher) Baldauf, Beate (Principal Investigator) Hunt, Wil (Researcher) Brown, Alan (Researcher)
With Peter Dickinson, Beate Baldauf, Wil Hunt and Alan Brown. Funded by Department for Education. Project Start Date: 16/04/2018 - Project End Date: 31/07/2018
16-Jan-2018 - 31-Jan-2018
Adult skills - who gets invested in and how has this changed over time? £15,000.
Luchinskaya, Daria (Principal Investigator) Dickinson, Peter (Co-investigator)
With Peter Dickinson. Funded by Social Mobility Commission. Project Start Date: 29/09/2017 - Project End Date: 03/07/2018
29-Jan-2017 - 03-Jan-2018
Diversity in the screen industries
Eikhof, Doris Ruth (Principal Investigator) Newsinger, Jack (Researcher) Aidley, Daniela (Researcher) Luchinskaya, Daria (Researcher) Banks, Mark (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2016 - 31-Jan-2016
Assessing Policy Initiatives to Address Intergenerational Worklessness / Fragile Employment
Luchinskaya, Daria (Researcher) Green, Anne (Principal Investigator)
Assessing Policy Initiatives to Address Intergenerational Worklessness / Fragile Employment’ (Dec. 2015-Feb. 2016). IER, University of Warwick. Literature review project for the Public Policy Institute for Wales.
01-Jan-2015 - 29-Jan-2016
Virtually the same thing as in-person internships? Mapping out the virtual internship landscape and exploring intern and employer experience in the UK and Italy (Digit Innovation Fund)
Luchinskaya, Daria (Principal Investigator) Scholarios, Dora (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2023
'Graduate employability: Theory, measurement and implications for practice' presented as part of training on labour market analysis
Luchinskaya, Daria (Principal Investigator)
Invited to give a KE session to practitioners as part of AlmaLaurea GRADUA (GRaduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania) Project: Training on labour market analysis.
06-Jan-2021 - 06-Jan-2021

More projects

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Dr Daria Luchinskaya
Work, Employment and Organisation

Email: daria.luchinskaya@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 553 6109