Dr Patrick McColgan
Accounting and Finance
Area of Expertise
- Corporate governance
- Corporate restructuring
- Security issuance and borrowing source
- An exploratory study on the socially responsible investment (SRI) awareness among Chinese retail investors
- Cui Dan, Smith Julia, McColgan Patrick
- British Accounting & Finance Association (2023)
- Orderbook demand for corporate bonds
- Krebbers Arthur, Marshall Andrew, McColgan Patrick, Neupane Biwesh
- European Financial Management Vol 29, pp. 247-287 (2022)
- https://doi.org/10.1111/eufm.12387
- Home bias and the need to build a bond market track record
- Krebbers Arthur, Marshall Andrew, McColgan Patrick, Neupane Biwesh
- European Journal of Finance Vol 28, pp. 1803-1818 (2022)
- https://doi.org/10.1080/1351847X.2021.2007149
- How did the Sarbanes–Oxley Act affect managerial incentives? Evidence from corporate acquisitions
- Hillier David, McColgan Patrick, Tsekeris Athanasios
- Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol 58, pp. 1395-1450 (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1007/s11156-021-01028-6
- Bookrunner syndicate geography and the quality of service : the benefits of a local team
- Krebbers Arthur, Marshall Andrew, Neupane Biwesh, McColgan Patrick
- Journal of International Money and Finance Vol 119 (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jimonfin.2021.102500
- Foreign direct investments : the role of corporate social responsibility
- Marshall Andrew, McColgan Patrick, Liu Mei
- Journal of Multinational Financial Management Vol 59 (2021)
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mulfin.2020.100663
Current modules taught:
- AG215 Business Finance (2nd year undergraduate)
- AG985 Topics in Corporate Finance (MSc)
- AG993 Advanced Corporate Finance and Applications (MSc)
My main teaching is in Corporate Finance or Financial Management, and I currently teach modules in these subjects to Undergraduate and Masters cohorts. I have also taught a range of Finance modules at various stages of undergraduate and postgraduate study including Asset Pricing, Case Studies in Finance, Derivatives, Introductory Finance, and Portfolio Theory. Feedback on taught modules has always been very positive with scores consistently above 4 on a 5-point Likert scale. I have been nominated for Teaching Excellent Awards at Strathclyde on several occasions.
I have delivered these modules on taught undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Bahrain, Oman, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Tanzania, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as on campus in Glasgow. I have additionally supervised postgraduate dissertations at the Universities of Bristol and York. I have acted as external examiner for taught programmes at UK universities including Dundee, Edinburgh, Lancaster, and Leeds.
Research Interests
My current research and PhD supervision interests are primarily in the areas of corporate restructuring, including employee layoffs, asset divestitures and liquidity in the market for corporate assets. I welcome PhD applicants interested to work in these areas and most areas of corporate finance.
I have supervised 9 PhD students to completion as first or second supervisor and am currently supervising 3 additional students. I have supervised on a range of topics across broad areas of corporate finance including corporate restructuring, debt issuance, corporate governance, and foreign direct investment transactions. I have acted as external examiner for 10 PhD students at UK and international universities.
I have published over 20 research papers in leading international finance journals including Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, European Financial Management, and British Accounting Review.
Professional Activities
- Presentation at the 2019 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting
- Contributor
- 23/10/2019
Accounting and Finance
Email: patrick.mccolgan@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 3690