Dr Allan McGroarty

Senior Teaching Fellow



Personal statement

I am a Senior Teaching Fellow in Psychology and have worked in the Department of Psychological Sciences and Health since 2008. I am currently the Director of Teaching and Learning for the Department. Previously, I was the Course Director for the MSc Research Methods in Psychology degree, and co-ordinator for the 1st year of the BA Psychology course.

I teach on a range of classes on the BA Psychology and MSc Research Methods in Psychology courses. I also supervise the research projects of undergraduate and postgraduate students.

I previously held a position in the Department of Psychology as a Research Assistant working with Professors Kevin Durkin and Andy Tolmie, and completed my PhD "The Effects of Interrogative Pressure in Simulated Forensic Interviews" at Strathclyde under the supervision of Dr Jim Baxter.

To date, my research publications have focused on matters of interrogative pressure and suggestibility within forensic interviews. More recently, I have been investigating social comparison processes in university students, beliefs relating to medications for stammering, and implementation intentions as a psychological intervention.

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My teaching contributions extend across the BA Psychology degree and include input to the following classes:

C8105 Psychology 1A
C8106 Psychology 1B
C8107 Introduction to Psychology (for Speech and Language Pathology students)
C8202 Social and Health Psychology
C8303 Individual Differences
C8307 Social Psychology
C8498 Psychology Dissertation
C8443 Moral Psychology (final year specialism)

In addition, I teach on the MSc Research Methods in Psychology degree:

C8939 Quantitative Research Methods
C8986 Dissertation

I have also been a visiting lecturer in Forensic Psychology to Heriot Watt University, and Psychology Module Leader for the Pre-Entry Access Course for admission to selected university degree courses within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Strathclyde Business School.

I contribute to the MSc in Mediation and Conflict Resolution offered by the Law School at the University of Strathclyde.

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Dr Allan McGroarty
Senior Teaching Fellow

Email: a.mcgroarty@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 548 2582